How We Garden June 15, 2020 Hot or Cold?

Is it spring? Is it summer? I think we're all mixed up, including the plants! We go from 90's to 50's almost overnight! All in all, I think the garden is handling the hot/cold shifts pretty well. Now the wind is another story. Some of our plants look so tattered!
This week we planted a section of "Incredible" corn, our third planting.
The front strawberry patch is coming on, and we've been making freezer jam. We've been eating lots of spinach, beets and beet greens, radishes, lettuce, kale, green onions and sugar snap(edible pod) peas. Our shelling peas are just starting to come on.
If the birds are getting into your strawberries, use a net to cover them.
Watch your garlic. As it gets little bulbs on the tops, pinch them off. This forces more growth into the bulb root.
Remember to keep apples sprayed about every two weeks. I mark when I spray, dust, etc., on my calendar so I can keep track and try and stay on schedule. Happy Gardening!
