Targeting Consumers in 2021 and Beyond with James Svoboda

It was 2010 when Google first introduced us to the Modified Broad Match keyword match type. We fell in love with BMM right away and spent 11 wonderful years together. Unfortunately, we’re just not seeing the same reliable, dependable results that we came to know and love with our lovely keywords.
Sure, we now have In-Market Audiences, Affinity Audiences, Detailed Demographics, Household Income, App Installs, Remarketing Lists, and more. But if our hand curated BMM keywords, that we spent over a decade growing their Quality Scores, are no longer a reliable focus of our campaigns, is Search even worth doing anymore?
Well, yes it!
It’s changed, but there are many other great tools in our targeting belt to lean into these days. SO, whether we like it or not (and we don’t), it’s time to shift our focus to campaign strategies that being in the best results.
Join me and the great marketers at SEMpdx as we delve into the changes to Google’s Keyword match types, their Search Query matching algorithms, and other targeting options that are providing great return in targeting consumers.
Key Takeaways
1. How and Why Keyword Match Types have changed.
2. What to do about the changes now that BMM is going away and Query Matching is less exact than ever before.
3. What our Non-Keyword Targeting options are that can be used to increase relevance and reach.
Skills level: Beginner to Intermediate, with Advanced Tips and Insights from 21 years of Keyword Analysis.
Speaker Bio
James Svoboda is a Partner at WebRanking and has been in search marketing since 1999. James is also a Founder of MnSearch, the Minnesota Search Engine Marketing Association has been honored as a Top 25 Most Influential PPC Expert by PPC Hero, and has spoken at Engage/SearchFest, SMX, State of Search, Confluence, SLC|SEM DMC, Hero Conf, and many more.
He currently resides in Eden Prairie, Minnesota with his lovely wife and two beautiful children, whom he works tirelessly with to convert into lifelong Star Wars fans.
