Striking a Balance Between You, Your Needs and Work Commitments

“I don’t have the time to exercise as work takes up all of my time and I am exhausted when I get home.”
Achieving a balance between work and self-care involves acknowledging the importance of both aspects and understanding that taking care of yourself enhances overall performance and satisfaction in various areas of life, including the professional realm. Encouraging a shift in societal attitudes and workplace cultures to prioritise well-being can contribute to a healthier balance between career and personal life.
Making exercise and self-care as important as career and work involves intentional mindset shifts, prioritisation, and the establishment of healthy habits. Here are some strategies to help achieve a better balance:
Reevaluate Priorities: Reflect on your values and priorities. Consider the long-term impact of neglecting self-care on your overall well-being and professional performance. Recognize that taking care of yourself is not a selfish act but a necessary one to sustain productivity and happiness in the long run.
Set Clear Boundaries: Establish boundaries between work and personal life. Define specific work hours and commit to respecting your personal time. Avoid responding to work-related emails or calls during designated personal time to create a clear separation between professional and personal responsibilities.
Schedule & Prioritise Self-Care: Treat self-care activities, including exercise, with the same level of importance as work-related tasks. Schedule regular time for seDevelop self-care rituals that align with your personal preferences. Whether it's practicing mindfulness, taking leisurely walks, or engaging in hobbies, prioritize activities that promote relaxation and mental well-being. lf-care in your calendar, just as you would schedule work meetings or deadlines. Consistency is key to forming habits.
Prioritise Health as a Professional Asset: Recognize that your health is a valuable professional asset. Regular exercise and self-care contribute to improved physical and mental well-being, ultimately enhancing your ability to perform well in your career. Consider it an investment in your long-term professional success.
Communicate Boundaries at Work: Clearly communicate your boundaries at work. Discuss your commitment to self-care with colleagues and supervisors, and make them aware of specific times when you may be unavailable for work-related tasks. Set expectations for a healthy work-life balance.
Find Efficient Workouts: If time constraints are a concern, explore efficient workout options. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) and short, focused workouts can provide effective results in a shorter amount of time. Finding time-efficient ways to incorporate exercise can make it more manageable.
Integrate Physical Activity into Work Routine: Look for opportunities to integrate physical activity into your work routine. This could include taking short breaks for stretching or walking, using a standing desk, or incorporating active commuting (walking or biking to work).
Delegate and Seek Support: Delegate tasks when possible and seek support from colleagues or family members. Asking for help can alleviate some of the pressures at work, allowing you to create more time for self-care and exercise.
Celebrate Achievements in Both Areas: Acknowledge and celebrate achievements in both your professional and personal life. Recognise that success is multifaceted, encompassing both career accomplishments and personal well-being. Celebrating achievements in self-care reinforces its importance in your overall life.
Remember that achieving a balance between work and self-care is an ongoing process. It requires intentional effort, consistent habits, and a commitment to prioritizing your well-being. Making these adjustments can lead to increased fulfillment, improved health, and enhanced professional performance.

