Species Habitat Models, 6/13/23

DoD Environmental Planning and Conservation Webinar, Legacy Project NR-22-010: Species Habitat Models
Presented by Dr. Max Tarjan, NatureServe
With support from the DoD Legacy Resource Management Program, NatureServe is developing a library of high-resolution Species Habitat Models (SHMs) for priority species across DoD installations. SHMs combine species occurrence data and environmental information to quantify key requirements for highly suitable habitat and map it across broad regions. NatureServe involves field biologists and practitioners in the collaborative modeling process through virtual workshops and online tools, refining models by incorporating expert feedback. The resulting model outputs serve as a valuable tool for supplementing information on imperiled species' distribution across DoD installations, aiding management decisions. Join us to learn about recent species identified for modeling and opportunities to get involved in refining the draft habitat models.
