South Plains Championship Wrestling - Rocco Montana vs No Cap Carlos Diaz at Cactus Alley Beatdown


The Starving Artist Rocco Montana vs ❌🧢Carlos Diaz.
🎟️: SPCW: Cactus Alley Beatdown
📆: Sunday, June 9th, 2024
📍: Lubbock, Texas at the Cactus Alley Courtyard, National Puerto Rican Day and Friends Festival
Rocco Montana makes his South Plains Championship Wrestling debut today at Cactus Alley Beatdown! The Starving Artist Rocco Montana is looking to get his name out there in Hollywood and pro wrestling. A successful debut at SPCW: Cactus Alley Beatdown would give Rocco Montana one step closer to getting his name out there in the bright lights of Hollywood, California and the pro wrestling universe. Also, getting a win today in front of the large crowd at the National Puerto Rican Day and Friends Festival might attract future opportunities in both Hollywood and pro wrestling. When you are a starving artist, you work 100x harder in the hopes of striking it big. Rocco Montana has all the tools to succeed from good looks, a good body, and wrestling skills to back up his aspiring dreams. But getting that dub is what really brings extra exposure. Can The Starving Artist Rocco Montana capture a win today and have wrestling promoters and Hollywood directors ring his phone off the hook?
The nefarious ❌🧢Carlos Diaz is back at SPCW. The last time I saw Carlos Diaz, he picked up a huge win with his Nefarious brothers TJ Slater and Atticus Wilde over West Texas’ wrestling superstars, The Defender of Truth Gabriel Alexander, WildCard Jeb Bingham, and The Last Maverick of West Texas, Ryan Justice, in a hot trios match at SPCW: A Halloween Night in Lamesa. But today at SPCW: Cactus Alley Beatdown, ❌🧢Carlos Diaz is going to introduce Rocco Montana to the street code. ❌🧢Carlos Diaz maybe brash and flashy, but he wants the wrestling world to put some respect to his name. And ❌🧢Carlos Diaz will do that by any means necessary. Respect will be gained today if ❌🧢Carlos Diaz can defeat The Starving Artist Rocco Montana in front of a huge crowd at the National Puerto Rican Day and Friends Festival. Will ❌🧢Carlos Diaz send The Starving Artist Rocco Montana back to Hollywood even more starving and struggling with a loss today? ❌🧢Carlos Diaz is all about the money and the win, and that’s no cap.
Both wrestlers have a reason to get the win today in front of a hot crowd at the National Puerto Rican Day and Friends Festival. Which wrestler will leave with the win? The referee for this match is Jarrett Smerud.
#SPCW #SouthPlainsChampionshipWrestling #NationalPuertoRicanDayAndFriends #CactusAlleyCourtyard #CactusAlleyBeatdown #LubbockTX #Lubbock #StarvingArtist #RoccoMontana #NoCap #CarlosDiaz #NationalPuertoRicanDayAndFriendsFestival2024
#NationalPuertoRicanDayAndFrienssFestival #independentwrestling #westtexasWrestling

