Snow White, a tragic operetta: The Poison and The Prince


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The tragic operetta Snow White, after the novel by Donald Barthelme
Music by Micha Hamel and staged by Marcel Sijm for De Nationale Reisopera Netherlands.
Played by The New Ensemble under direction of Ed Spanjaard
Set: Marc Warning, costumes: Arno Bremers
- Jane (Frances Bourne)
Drink this. It will make you feel better.
- Snow White (Rebecca von Lipinski)
I don't feel bad physically.
Emotionally is another story of course.
- Jane
Go on. Go on drink it.
- Snow White
No I won't drink it now, perhaps later.
Although something warns me not to drink it at all.
Something suggests to me that it is a bad scene,
this drink you proffer.
Something whispers to me that there is something wrong with it.
- Jane
Well, that's possible. I didn't make the wodka myself you know.
I didn't grow the grain myself and reap it myself, and make the mash myself.
I didn't harvest the onions. I didn't purify the water that went into these rocks.
I am not responsible for everything.
All I can say is that to the best of my knowledge
this is an ordinary vodka Gibson on the rocks.
Just like any other. Further than that I will not go.
- Snow White
Oh well then. It must be all right then.
If it is as ordinary as you say. In that case, I shall drink it.
- Paul (Joe Schlesinger)
This drink is vaguely exciting, it is a good thing to have it taken away from you, Snow White, it is too exciting for you. If you had drunk it something bad would have probably happened to your stomach.
But because I am a man, and because men have strong stomachs
for the business of life and the pleasure of life too, nothing will happen to me. Lucky that I sensed you about to drink it, and was able to arrive in time
to wrest it from your grasp, just as it was about to touch your lips.
Those lips that I have deeply admired, first through the window, and then --
- Snow White
Look how he has fallen to the ground, Jane.
And look at all that green foam coming out of his face!
It resembles nothing but a death agony! Jane? Jane?

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  • @TheDMUSE
    @TheDMUSE9 жыл бұрын

    I saw the opera and loved it! This scene is hilarious!
