Slow Take: We aren't playing the games we buy.


Why the hell aren't we playing the games we buy? And what does it mean?

Пікірлер: 19

  • @basvriese1934
    @basvriese1934Ай бұрын

    I think you really underestimate how often people actually do just stop reading a book , movies are definitely more rare to not finish

  • @LevelsAndGear


    Ай бұрын

    Haha, you may be right. Wouldn't be the first time I underestimated people ;)

  • @SpartanXVII
    @SpartanXVIIАй бұрын

    It's very closely linked to the backlog problem, all these games you want to play, going deep into one for days or weeks on end, replaying it to get all the achievements, or completeing a longer story feels like a time investment you "can't afford", when 2 more indie darlings you want to play just came out, as well as a new Dark SOuls or whatever you're into. I also think, at least for me, that games, unlike films, have to hit you just right in order to have sticking power, so lot's of people have to try a few diferent things before finding one they can stick with for more than an afternoon. I think gaming is highly personal, and even if a game is a masterpiece "must-play" in one persons eyes, it may be boring after more than 30 minutes for someone else.

  • @LevelsAndGear


    Ай бұрын

    It's one of the things I miss about being younger, it was easy to like, just play a game for a few hours at a stretch and immerse yourself. As an "adult", it's much harder to do that.

  • @DorkAndFriends
    @DorkAndFriendsАй бұрын

    People today are a lot less focused on completing the games they buy as well as generally coming back to them after buying something else. They view it as a waste of time if there's no new "content" to be enjoyed, which is a product of modern game design being focused around content packages per month/year a la live service but that's a different can of worms entirely. I've had Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2 sitting on my backburner for a while but I think I'll go back and enjoy them again. Doesn't mean I'll never play them, it just takes time to get out of the hyperfocus that I've set myself in for the older fallout titles that I'm currently enjoying. I think a lot of people genuinely forget they have massive libraries of games, or they just don't have time for games anymore thanks to the geopolitical/economical climate we've been thrust into. Most people who want to play games work two jobs to keep their heads above the water, and people fortunate enough to not have to work more than a single job are also fortunate enough to have different and more expensive hobbies. There's a myriad of reasons, but time is a major factor in most people's reasonings in my opinion.

  • @LevelsAndGear


    Ай бұрын

    I personally (usually) prefer shorter game experiences so I can enjoy more titles. Long, never ending games and live service titles make that hard. Not saying I NEVER play them, but they definitely can put you into a rut. Especially as I get older, the live service/season model really starts to turn me off.

  • @vitaljokers3754
    @vitaljokers3754Ай бұрын

    When i was a kid id get one 60 dollar title for my birthday and another for christmas. In between i would trade games with friends or gamestop and i didnt have a big library to pick from. I think that situation was pretty common too. Now that im an adult with my own money i can pick up a 60 dollar title whenever i feel like it and steam has stuff on sale constantly so grabbing new stuff to play is just easy to do. Even if im not gonna play it immediatly i have access to it whenever im ready. I got mass effect legendary a few months ago and ive had gaurdians of the galaxy for more than a year. Ill get to them at some point but i got both of them on sale. I think thats the core driving aspect of why backlogs build up for people. Gaming is a relativly cheap hobby and discount sales drive people to get stuff theyre not ready to play at the moment.

  • @user-account-not-found


    Ай бұрын

    The good ol days!

  • @LevelsAndGear


    Ай бұрын

    Too much choice today/not enough choice back in the day I think is definitely a big factor. Not entirely sure what side I am on. In general I feel we have too much of EVERYTHING, and it kinds of hurts us as a society, as we have less common ground to work with. But that's a topic for another video. ;)

  • @vitaljokers3754


    Ай бұрын

    @@LevelsAndGear On the topic of too much of everything, something ive thought about but dont have any numbers to really back up, I think theres been a large shift across all media to make stuff for ever increasing niche audiences. Instead of the whole country being tuned into a handful of channels on the tv we have an over abundance of streaming services, games storefronts, comic distribution sites. The internet has made accessing everything so easy that both creating and consuming media are becoming competitive at a rate thats difficult for everyone to keep up with. Theres a plethora of reasons that AAA games are struggling but I think thats a big driver, indie titles have been blowing up a lot recently and I think the smaller cost and shorter dev times are able to cater to smaller and more specific niches. You have some title come out, it looks kind of interesting, its 10-20 bucks, buy it and it sits in your library unplayed cuz although it looks fun it doesnt look quite fun enough to play just right now.

  • @LevelsAndGear


    Ай бұрын

    @@vitaljokers3754 At some point soon (it's on the list) - I am going to do a Slow Take on this topic. RedLetterMedia is a site I like known for their movie/TV reviews, and they did a segment where they talked about a "Blurring effect" on pop/mainstream culture in the internet age, due to everything being available all the time. It's a pretty interesting concept. Thanks for checking my channel out, btw!

  • @demonicfox01
    @demonicfox01Ай бұрын

    I think the main thing is that so many diff games are coming out that people are interested i know that normally a few games that i'm interested in come out at the same time so i end up buying them but at the same time i also have 2 diff friend groups that play differant games so i'm split 3 ways and even then normally one game will grab me more then the others so i don't even up finishing them all. By the time i get to actually get a good sit down time to focus on them by then a new batch will come out that will grab my interest so i'm gravitate to them thus leaving my back catalog to rot while i'l hyperfocus on a diff title then their are those ones that i buy play for a bit then just find it's not for me and either return it or it's been past the 2 hour mark so i can't and just leave it.

  • @LevelsAndGear


    Ай бұрын

    I definitely suffer from the backlog issue as well - and focus is an excellet point. When you're younger, you don't have as much to worry about. I love being IMMERSED in a game, and that's hard to do when you can dabble at it an hour or so a few times a week.

  • @user-account-not-found
    @user-account-not-foundАй бұрын

    I have something like 1100 games in steam. I swear I am going to play them all.

  • @LevelsAndGear


    Ай бұрын

    I legit stopped buying 4-5 years ago, I have 500 or so. Not counting console titles and other things. I also want to get to them all. As well as re-play some old titles. The steam sales were my bugaboo, now I don't even look.

  • @jasonshere
    @jasonshereАй бұрын

    Here's two big reasons: Performance issues & Refunds

  • @montyvr6772


    Ай бұрын

    Those realistically happen to less than 10% of players. Also we can look at indie games where you know what you are getting and you know it is going to run, yet some of these have less than half the people complete the tutorial!

  • @Platlord6
    @Platlord6Ай бұрын

    Could you turn the music down in the future? it was very distracting

  • @LevelsAndGear


    Ай бұрын

    Yea man, thanks for the input. Experimenting with what works.
