Skateboard: The Movie (1978) - 2023 Restoration

“Skateboard is a thoroughly infectious comedy that’s the first feature film to depict the youthful skateboarding craze."
- Kevin Thomas, LA Times, 1978
“If you like music, skateboarding, and movies you’ll love Skateboard. Hollywood’s first full-length feature film centered around skateboarding is a fun filled comedy.”
- Peter Du Pre, Wild World of Skateboarding Magazine, 1978
“A delightful surprise, a no less invigorating Bad News Bears.”
- Richard Cuskelly, LA Herald Examiner, 1978
“The cynical but loveable coach, bronzed, blond-curled Southern Californian kids, the absurdist razzmatazz of American competitive sport, and a rock soundtrack, here mesh into a rather endearing entertainment.”
- Paul Thomas, Time Out
Skateboard was the first feature film to depict the height of the 70s skateboard craze. Many refer to it as the Bad News Bears of the sport. It’s star studded cast includes Alan Garfield, 70s teen idol Leif Garrett, skateboarding legend Tony Alva, and iconic female freestyler and member of the Skateboarding Hall of Fame Ellen O’Neal.
Directed by George Gage
Co-Written by George Gage and Dick Wolf
Produced by Dick Wolf and Harry N. Blum
Cinematography by Ross Kelsay
Production Assistant Gus Van Sant
Cast: Alan Garfield, Leif Garrett, Tony Alva, Ellen O’Neal, Richard Van der Wyk, Steve Monahan, David Hyde, Pam Kenneally, Anthony Carbone, Patricia Hitchock, Orson Bean, Thelma Pelish
Additional Skaterboarders: Jay Adams, Jimmy Allard, Ellen Berryman, Bob Biniak, Rene Carrasco, Steve Cathy, Craig Chaquico, Paul Constantineau, Russ Gosnell, Clyde Grimes, David Hackett, Curtis Hasselgrave, John Hughes, Tom Inouye, Bob Jarvis, Shogo Kubo, Brad Logan, Bruce Logan, Robin Logan, Bob Madrigal, Chad McQueen
Jim Muir, Ed Nadalin, Layne Oaks, Bob Piercy, Andy Pryciak, Edie Robertson, Tom Sims, Lance Smith, Laura Thornhill, Danny Trailer, Mike Williams, Rebecca Williams, and Chris Yandell
