Shazil Pervez - Product Management Professional

Meet Shazil Pervez - Product Manager, who shares insights about his career journey and experiences. Shazil, originally from Pakistan, began his career in product management 15 years ago. He initially worked for a large telecom company, where he was involved in launching a fintech solution, which now has a substantial user base. Later, he moved to Singapore and then Canada, taking up various product management roles, and is currently a Director of Digital Product Management at Scotiabank.
Shazil describes his typical duties in his previous roles, which involved working closely with engineering, design, and business teams, developing strategies, roadmaps, and interacting with customers. In his current senior role, his responsibilities have shifted towards organizational strategy alignment and fostering a positive product culture within his team.
He advises aspiring product managers or those looking to transition into the field to gain practical experience by working on digital solutions, reading about product management, networking, and taking online courses.
