Ehtisham Tahir | Cybersecurity Risk Governance Professional

In this session, Ehtisham shares his career journey, which began with a serendipitous interaction at a PwC recruitment booth. Originally trained in finance, he moved into IT and cybersecurity risk management through an opportunity at PwC. His career trajectory involved several geographic moves, starting in the U.S., then relocating to Canada, influenced by family proximity and quality of life considerations. Ehtisham's role has evolved over the years at PwC, where he has gained significant experience in IT audit, cybersecurity controls, and emerging risks. He discusses the impact of AI in the workplace, emphasizing its growing integration and the importance of staying current with technological advancements. Ehtisham advises those considering a similar career path to keep an open mind and be willing to explore the unknown, highlighting the potential for unexpected opportunities to lead to rewarding career developments.
