Session 3: The Al Thani Collection conference | Gulbenkian

'From Mansion to Museum: Private Philanthropy and Public Institutions in the Age of Calouste Gulbenkian'
30 June 2022 at The Hôtel de la Marine, Paris
Session 3: 'Mansion to Museum: Public Institutions from Private Philanthropy'
Chair: Jasper Gaunt, Curator of Ancient Art, The Al Thani Collection
- Suzanne Higgott, Curator, Wallace Collection
'Achieving immortality: the metamorphosis of British private collections into eponymous public ‘palaces of art’'
- Mathieu Deldicque, Curator, The Condé museum-Domaine of Chantilly
'From a Prince’s collections to public museum: The Duc d’Aumale’s project at Chantilly'
- Meaghan Clarke, Professor, University of Sussex
'Women, Museums and Cultural Philanthropy'

