Session 1: The Al Thani Collection conference | Gulbenkian

'From Mansion to Museum: Private Philanthropy and Public Institutions in the Age of Calouste Gulbenkian'
30 June 2022 at The Hôtel de la Marine, Paris
Session 1: 'The Greatest Generation: The Mansion in the Gilded Age'
Chair: Nuno Vassallo e Silva, Director, Delegation in France, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
- Jeremy Howard, Professor, Buckingham University
'Heirlooms for Sale: The break-up of Britain's ancestral collections c. 1880-1920'
- Kathryn Brown, Doctor, Loughborough University
'Trophy Hunters or Tastemakers? The Robber Barons and Artworld Spectacle in the Gilded Age'
- Vera Mariz, Doctor, University of Lisbon
'"The man is a genius". The hôtel Gulbenkian seen through the eyes of the Duveen Brothers'
