Servant-Leadership 101: Authentic Lesson (The Post Movie Example)

The fifth principle in the Acronym Model of SERVANT-Leadership™ is Authentic. This 6-minute lesson demonstrates this principle, through the example of Kay Graham and Ben Bradlee (played by Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks) debating personal relationships vs. professional responsibilities. Graham is the CEO of The Washington Post and Bradlee is Executive Editor for the paper.
In 1971, another newspaper revealed the existence of a U.S. government report that questioned the country's military involvement in Vietnam and the potential for success. The confidential report was commissioned during the war by Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara. McNamara is a close personal friend of Kay Graham (Streep's character). That report is leaked to a competing paper. Now aware of the report, Ben Bradlee desperately needs a copy of the report for The Post to report on it.
The two colleagues have great respect for each other. Now they must balance their close personal friendships, virtues, and professional responsibilities. Watch as you see two leaders struggle to remain authentic.
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The Post
20th Century Fox
December 22, 2017
