Serpentine Archive: Peter Gidal - Aleatory Colour: Perception / Memory / Material | Serpentine


Serpentine revisits an evening from Park Nights 2008, curated by Peter Gidal
Friday 10 October, 2008
Aleatory Colour: Perception / Memory / Material
London-based experimental film-maker and writer on aesthetics, Peter Gidal, chose a series of experimental films for ‘both their specificity and wondrous difference’.
The title of the event, Aleatory Colour: Perception / Memory / Material, refers to the material meaning of film, to its absolute presence in the moment of viewing, and to new memories triggered by each film-maker’s particular sense of beauty and meaning.
Malcolm Le Grice: Matrix, Lecture at the Academy and Berlin Horse
Samantha Rebello: Surface of Residual Matter and In Suspension
Simon Payne: Colour Bars and Thirds
Jennifer Nightingale: Colour Pinhole Film (Cathedral)
This was one of two evenings curated by Peter Gidal to mark the opening of Gerhard Richter 4900 Colours: Version II at the Serpentine Gallery.

