Season 2 Ep. 9: Vos Leygt Zikh Nit Afn Seykhl & Ballarat

Season 2: Episode 9 of Proste Yiddish
Learn Yiddish with simple audio for students and everyone who wants to hear a little Yiddish.
It's a podcast - but now also here on KZread!
You can find all episodes, including Seasons 2 & 3, on Spotify, Apple and everywhere you get podcasts.
פּראָסט = simple, common, crude, of the masses!
In this episode:
אין דעם עפּיזאָד הערט מען פֿון אבֿי פֿריד און איך רעד װעגן אַ װיזיט אין באַלאַראַט
In this week’s episode we have a little game from Avi Fried and a story about a visit to the city of Ballarat.
You can always see the full transcript, all links & vocab here
Thanks to Sue Lynch for her help in making this video with full transcript on screen!
*Support the Show
Thanks for listening and as always, if you like the show, please share it in your Yiddish circles! אַ דאַנק!
Proste Yiddish is entirely volunteer-made, on the lands of the Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrong People in Naarm (so-called melbourne, oystralie).
