San Diego Padres Coach Jed Morris Helping Players Stay Grounded and Present To Reach Their Potential


Welcome to the Identity Sports podcast launching in June 2024. Enjoy this sneak peek of one of our upcoming episodes featuring one of the San Diego Padres Hitting Coaches Jed Morris.
Jed has the unique experience of playing in the minor leagues and overcoming a cancer diagnosis. Through his experiences, it makes him a perfect coach for these prospects playing through the Padres system. Listen to his unique perspective on helping these players stay grounded and present in the moment to reach their potential.
About the Identity Sports Podcast:
You might not have already realized it, that this podcast is produced by a non-profit...
donor-supported Identity Sports.
We’re a non-profit producing this podcast in the beautiful loft of a downtown
Phoenix thrift store.
We aren’t getting paid big bucks like a for-profit business. No sir. We’re making this
podcast, not for money, but because everyone on our team believes in what we do...
We give athletes a platform to share their Faith and their inspirational stories.
But that means we rely on people like you.
If you’ve been to one of our Tales from the Tour or Tales from the Dugout events.
Or if you’ve watched or heard an inspirational story from an athlete who found their true
identity in Christ. Or if this is the first time someone shared or you’ve come across our
podcasts, I have a request.
I wonder if you’d take a quick minute to do something for us. Get into your browser and
search for and find the donate page. It doesn't matter how much you
commit, a few dollars or a few hundred. It just matters that you show us that you want
us to keep telling these stories.
My recommendation? Pause this episode and do it real quick before you forget...
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