Rory Sinclair, former President of Saint Andrew's Society of Toronto interview at Legion Branch 10


The following Video interview by Reginald Angus Argue is meant for education and entertainment only. This video will not be monetized in any way.
In 2016, at the Canadian Legion, Branch 10 in Toronto, Reginald sat and chatted with Rory Sinclair.
Just a few points from the interview, where Rory Sinclair shared about:
-how he was the President of the Saint Andrew’s Society of Toronto.
-His Grandfather fought in the Boar War and WWI.
-the history of the Saint Andrew’s Society of Toronto and how it ties in with the 48th Highlanders.
-how the Saint Andrew Society of Toronto was formed to help Scottish immigrants and how important leaders from the Saint Andrew Society were and still are within the community.
-He talked about the meetings he had with Prince Phillip (now late) along with Prince Charles (then Prince, now known as King Charles since the interview.) Rory talks about how he met these two gentlemen on two different occasions.
-How his Grandfather and Brother both served in the military.
-How his Grandfather rowed for the Argonauts, who used football at that time to stay in shape for the rowing. (Rory's Grandfather played rugby football for the Argos, as there was no forward pass then.)
-How his Grandfather rowed in the 1912 Olympics representing Canada.
-How his Grandfather was injured three times while serving in the military.
-How his Grandfather was posted to CFB Borden during WWII, where he trained soldiers before they were sent overseas.
-How he was part of a Canadian team that helped to free the late great US boxer Rubin "Hurricane" Carter.
And so much more.
This video was recorded in 2016 under Veterans In Politics Canada. Reginald Argue, Canadian Peacekeeping Veteran head, was under Veterans In Politics International, run by Steve Sanson, retired US Marine Corps Desert Storm Veteran.
Once again, the following Video interview by Reginald Angus Argue is meant for education and entertainment only. This video will not be monetized in any way.

