Roots to Branches - The Power of Nature Based Education | Mary Skopec | TEDxOkoboji

Nature has the potential to be the secret ingredient in a delicious recipe for modern education. Nature based education is more than merely going outside. It immerses the student in an all-encompassing learning environment that challenges them to connect to the world and to each
other. Moreover, the power of nature transforms the student experience regardless of age! Dr. Mary Skopec is the Executive Director of the Iowa Lakeside Laboratory, an Iowa Board of Regents campus located on beautiful West Lake Okoboji. As a young child, Mary dreamed of being a forest ranger - sitting high in a watch-tower waiting to call the alarm on forest fires. Eventually, Mary realized that she is quite terrified of heights and climbing the tower was a solid “nope” for her. She now finds herself safely on the ground and building the next generation of scientists and environmental leaders using immersive education models. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

