Restorative Dialogues for community cohesion and self care | Duke Duchscherer | Course begins soon!

'Restorative Dialogues: Transforming Conflict, Building Community Resilience' is a 6-session course that will teach you how to support fiery, divided communities in coming together to build a sense of cohesion, so you can help your community swap its anger for care.
The communities we live in can take many forms:
✅ We humans often live in families within neighborhoods
✅ Kids (and their care-givers) are often part of a school (or homeschool) community
✅ People go to workplaces
✅ People from different neighborhoods might attend meetings with a faith-group
Here’s the thing.
No community is exempt from experiencing conflict - some experience it more than others.
And Duke can help you learn how to handle it so you are ready to support your own community when it happens. He’s got extensive lived experience of using Restorative Dialogues in communities around the world - from small villages to government leaders at the United Nations.
Join Duke this April to learn about this transformative approach to conflict resolution in our communities.
The first session is free for all to attend:
#nonviolentcommunication #restorativecircles #restorativedialogue #dialogueskills

