Reducing Challenging Behavior and Promoting Mindfulness

Reducing Challenging Behavior and Promoting Mindfulness
Research has shown a positive correlation between parental stress and maladaptive behavior among families with children diagnosed with autism and other developmental disabilities. Rooted in a functional account of behavior, applied behavior analysis offers many insights into challenging behavior intervention. In this webinar, we will briefly introduce several common functions of behavior, and antecedent-based techniques caregivers and clinicians can use. We will also look into language-based interventions that promote social-emotional development, focusing on various emotional regulation and coping skills.
UIC’s Cognition, Behavior, and Mindfulness Clinic members: Mark Dixon, Ph.D., BCBA-D, LBA, Jessica Hinman, M.S., BCBA and Zhihui Yi, & M.S., BCBA
Recorded on January 27, 2021

