Reach Out to Horses exclusive Equestrian Rope ~ 101 things to do with your horse!

Natural Horsemanship takes a virtual twist as Anna Twinney brings the ROTH methods straight to you and your beloved equines. Go here to learn more about the 101 Things To Do With Your Horse online platform:
Teach Your Horse, Stay Safe, and Build Your Trust-Based Relationship.
Exclusively created for Reach Out to Horses®, the Equine Education Rope is a must-have tool for anyone serious about training. Whether you are an aspiring beginner or a seasoned, professional trainer, this will immediately become one of the most invaluable and most used tools in your toolbox.
With the ROTH Equine Training Rope you can:
move your horse's leg in all directions, safely, while staying out of the kick zone.
avoid serious injuries by replacing fight or flight instinctive reactions with calm, relaxed responses.
prepare your foal, yearling, and untouched horse for his first farrier experience.
familiarize a green, sensitive or spooky horse to ropes around his legs.
develop your horse's sense of timing.
help your horse overcome memories of trauma, abuse, and violence.
educate your horse to yield to pressure, enhancing his understanding and willing participation.
gain leadership and respect through trust, not fear or flooding.
and more (the list is endless!).
ROTH Education Rope 2As any good trainer will tell you, Safety is your #1 priority, and now you finally have a safe and effective way to work with your horse's feet and legs while staying out of the kick zone. This 14 foot (approx.) rope is made of 100% cotton and created with specially designed "indicator" ends so you'll immediately know when you're literally "coming to the end of your rope" and the leather-covered center provides extra grip, comfort, and safety for your horse legs.
If you want a tool that will help you gently gain control of your horse's feet, create leverage, allowing you to be more effective with less effort, help desensitize your horse for all lower extremity needs and finally make working with your horse's feet easy and enjoyable then this is the tool that needs to be on the top of your list.
Purchase your rope here:
Find 101 Things to Do With Your Horse here:
