Preaching to the Choir, Jeremiah 7:1-15 by Doug Webster

Preached by Doug Webster during our Fall Chapel Series at Beeson Divinity School, A. Gerow Hodges Chapel

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  • @yeoberry
    @yeoberry11 жыл бұрын

    A good message about "standing firm" in the faith, like Jeremiah. Thank you for it.

  • @kellykitkat40
    @kellykitkat406 жыл бұрын

    "preaching to the choir" - preaching to they who think not as lawyers, but as poets. For example, Jeremiah 7 : 6-7, kjv, is in the form of an IF - THEN statement, which is understood by computer scientists and mathematicians and lawyers, as being a form of conditional statement. But poets, singers, may see differently. "This land is my land, this land is not your land. Get the hell off my land". Likewise, such have difficulty with the Second Amendment too - specifically the part about "a well-regulated militia" and what a "free state" is. A Free State is one in which slavery is not practised. And "a well-regulated militia" is composed of persons who are able to accept discipline, be responsible, and get along with each other. But that is not how "racists" (eugenicists) interpret the Second Amendment as witnessed by their lack of support for well-regulated militias such as the Black Panthers. ... According to the rite of Sukkot, there are four kinds of Jews. It is about desiring, seeking after, and keeping His Word, to please Him, is it not? Jesus said, The seed is the word of God. So, do not confuse correlation with causality. If you say to yourself, "I was born a Jew, so too therefore are my children,.." well, that is a snare, for you will get lazy, and stop keeping his commandments, or stop teaching them to your children. You need His Word - that is what CAUSES a person to be a jew, and genetic heritage is "mere correlation". See, luke 8, kjv. ... the good earth... an honest and good heart.

  • @kellykitkat40


    6 жыл бұрын

    If ye oppress not the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, and shed not innocent blood in this place, neither walk after other gods to your hurt : Then will I cause you to dwell in this place, in the land that I gave to your fathers, for ever and ever. - Jeremiah 7: 6-7, kjv. Note .. dwell in this place.... (in the land I gave to your fathers) ... for ever and ever..... NOT "I give you this land for ever and ever" BUT, I will cause you to dwell, for ever and ever, in this place .. found in this land. A place, is like a state of mind : Some go to a graveyard, but are never in that place, only seeing land. For robbing them of their human dignity, if people "of colour" ever become the majority, I imagine they will have no difficulty paving over "white" cemetaries to put up shopping centers, or museums, or movie theatres there. It is written that God cursed the ground for man's sake, and it is also written that the earth shall wax old like a garment and be tossed aside. So how is a land "for ever and ever"? Or how can one possess a land when he has not a fleshly body any longer? It is not land which is potentially "for ever and ever" but persons. Moreover, it is written NOT in verse 7, 'I gave to you' but 'I gave to your fathers' - each generation, each person, has to prove himself. Sodomites are eugenicists ("racists") - they teach others, especially children, that a bloodline , genetic heritage , determines who inherits what, who gets what, who is entitled to what - that is a false religion they teach, while calling it judaism, or christianity. They do that so that they being wicked, being evildoers, might find for themselves, social acceptance. "Yo, we be white, accept". The kjv is the correct english translation, but the niv, and other english translations, are NOT HIS WORD, but interpretative writings, commentaries, forgeries, blasphemy, propaganda, specifically written to promote "raping" (forcibly impregnating) coloured women, murdering indigenous people, stealing land and property, dehumanizing others, promoting slavery, et cetra. That is their religion , though they call it christianity or judaism.