Powerlifting Workout Routine

This video is a combination of a four day powerlifting program. Mainly focusing on Squat, Bench, and Deadlift. I started each day with a nice warm up/stretch of what group I was hitting that day. At the end of the workout I either do 15 minutes of HIIT cardio or 30 minutes of steady state.
The workouts in the video are as listed,
-Back squat
-Paused dead squat
-Paused good morning
-Seated leg curls
-Incline dumbbell rows
-Paused barbell press
-Dead barbell press
-Paused front squat
-Barbell deadlift
-Deficit deadlift with bands
-Close grip 3 board press
-Barbell incline press
-Barbell strict curls
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