Pen-y-bont (Wales) 1-1 Santa Coloma (Andorra) | Uchafbwyntiau | Highlights | UEFA Conference League


Pen-y-bont 1-1 Santa Coloma | Uchafbwyntiau | Highlights | UEFA Conference League
Roedd y rheolwr, Rhys Griffiths yn hynod falch o berfformiad ei chwaraewyr wrth i Ben-y-bont sicrhau gêm gyfartal yn eu hymddangosiad cyntaf erioed yn Ewrop.
O flaen torf o 1,400 ar Gae’r Bragdy roedd Pen-y-bont yn croesawu Santa Coloma, sef y clwb mwyaf llwyddiannus yn holl hanes y Primera Divisio yn Andorra.
Doedd dim llawer yn gwahanu’r ddau dîm am y 35 munud agoriadol tan i’r ymwelwyr ennill cic rydd ar yml y cwrt cosbi.
Ac er i ymdrech Mario Mourelo guro’r mur amddiffynnol bydd golwr newydd Pen-y-bont, Alex Harris yn teimlo y dylai fod wedi gwneud yn well wedi i’r bêl sleifio dan ei gorff ac i mewn i’r gôl.
Yn yr ail hanner, daeth yr awr i’r gŵr profiadol Chris Venables, oedd yn chwarae ei gêm gystadleuol gyntaf i Ben-y-bont ers ymuno o’r Bala.
Gyda 66 munud ar y cloc anelodd y tîm cartref gic rydd hir tuag at gwrt y gwrthwynebwyr, ac wedi peniad ymlaen gan yr eilydd Dan Jefferies fe lwyddodd Venables i reoli a chodi’r bêl dros golwr rhyngwladol Andorra i unioni’r sgôr.
Hon oedd trydedd gôl Venables mewn 20 o gemau Ewropeaidd, a byddai gôl arall nos Iau yn anrheg penblwydd perffaith cyn iddo droi’n 38 oed yr wythnos nesaf.
Roedd hi’n berfformiad calonogol i Ben-y-bont fydd yn teimlo bod ganddynt gyflw gwirioneddol i gamu ymlaen i ail rownd ragbrofol Cyngres Europa i wynebu unai FK Sutjeska (Montenegro) neu SS Cosmos (San Marino).
Manager, Rhys Griffiths was extremely proud of his players as Pen-y-bont secured a 1-1 draw in their first ever appearance in an European competition.
A sell-out crowd of 1,400 were at Brewery Field to witness Pen-y-bont’s European debut against Santa Coloma, the most successful club in the history of the Andorran Primera Divisio with 13 championships to date.
And there was nothing to seperate the two teams for 35 minutes of play, before the visitors were awarded a free-kick on the edge of the Bont box.
Mario Mourelo’s effort managed to beat the defensive wall, but debutant keeper Alex Harris will certainly feely that he could have done better as the ball slipped under his torso and into the goal at the near post.
In the second half, up stepped the JD Cymru Premier’s talisman, Chris Venables, who was also making his debut after his move from Bala Town over the summer.
With 66 minutes on the clock, Pen-y-bont launched a long free-kick into the opponents’ half, and Dan Jefferies’ flick-on header landed in the path of Venables who controlled and scooped the ball over the 75-capped Andorran keeper to equalise.
This was Venables’ third goal in 20 European matches, and another goal this Thursday would be the perfect early birthday gift before the striker turns 38 next week.
It was a historical occasion for the town, and the club will feel that they now have a true opportunity to progress into the Europa Conference League second qualifying round where they would face either FK Sutjeska (Montenegro) or SS Cosmos (San Marino).

Пікірлер: 2

  • @nickhayes4169
    @nickhayes4169 Жыл бұрын

    I always thought that the standard was half decent in Wales, but I think I have to now admit it's not quite as good as high as I initially perceived.

  • @collins8711
    @collins8711 Жыл бұрын

    who's winning today
