Pan Am 103 Terrorist Bomber Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi, Will Be Released by Scottish Authorities

Scottish Authorities announce that Pan American Airlines Flight 103 Terroist Bomber will be released due him having cancer.

Пікірлер: 27

  • @dutchy1176
    @dutchy117615 жыл бұрын

    I've seen her and her husband in other documentaries,and in my opinion,their so angry and bitter that they can't see straight anymore.They want nothing more then to hang Megrahi from the tallest tree, no questions asked,blinded by anger,I guess....

  • @tonightwefly
    @tonightwefly15 жыл бұрын

    This man showed no compassion for what he did and in court he even stood there laughing! why should we show him compassion!!!! typical British human rights.....always on the side of the criminal, never the victim. you get a year in prison here for murder and its a discrace

  • @Strettger
    @Strettger15 жыл бұрын

    Well, we Scots do have a few individuals we can name as influential in Britain, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown to name a few.

  • @wonjubhoy


    3 жыл бұрын

    Tony Blair isn't Scottish. He was just educated at fettes college.

  • @Strettger


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@wonjubhoy And he was born in Edinburgh.

  • @pluto4847
    @pluto484714 жыл бұрын

    @CoakleyBhoy But don't you give a hoot over the 270 victms in that lockerbie tragedy? You are not going to like this, but the majority of victims on that plane were Americans and just a handful of Scots. What if most of the victims were Scottish, I bet Macaskill would not have been so compassionate. What do you think? Honest Ansewr to my question?

  • @wonjubhoy


    3 жыл бұрын

    A law was introduced in Scotland in 1993 granting terminally ill prisoners with 3 months to live the option to apply for compassionate release. This has happened under conservative, Labour/liberal democrat and SNP governments. The Labour/liberal democrat government released a child killer under this law. That explains the context under which al megrahi was released.

  • @martintaylor2791
    @martintaylor279112 жыл бұрын

    He's innocent anyway. Convicted on the flimsiest of evidence that is now proven as unreliable, and no doubt a miscarriage of justice. The one man who testified against him got his 2million dollars after changing his testimony to suit the prosecutions case. I feel for the victims of this atrocity, ive spent some time in lockerbie and a friend who lived there witnessed the horror firsthand, its heartwrenching, but people need to wake up to the truths that are slowly emerging in this case.

  • @irresistablejewel
    @irresistablejewel13 жыл бұрын

    What rank are you "Loyal officer"? Oh! I see just rank. USS Vincennes Captain murdered 290 and he got a medal. I happen to agree with cnaptakmockba. I support McAskill decision; contentious though it was.

  • @Buckeroony
    @Buckeroony7 жыл бұрын

    Max Maxium :- I'm Scottish and I have and always will support Scotland's decision on releasing Megrahi, he deserved to be with his family.

  • @wonjubhoy


    3 жыл бұрын

    Al megrahi was innocent anyway.

  • @pluto4847
    @pluto484711 жыл бұрын

    Continued...please get your Scottish independence, but do it soon. I mean afterall, you Scots are so great you don't need help from the rest of the world. I say so be it. But you'll have one ally that backs you up, your buddy Libya. Scotland is not compassionate. Criminalizing football fans, telling you that you cannot smoke in public places, over taxation, high unemployment, arrested for a breach of the peace everytime someone speaks against the Scottish establishment. That's not freedom!

  • @pluto4847
    @pluto484711 жыл бұрын

    Wait a minute? Compassion in Scottish jails? I don't think so. It is your Scottish law who is criminalizing celtic and ranger fans from wearing t-shirts, or chanting football songs. 5 year scottish prison sentence for that so don't be lying about Scotland's justice system. You hear me. And if you want to start bashing my fellow Americans, I suggest you start with me. I stand in memory of all those people who tragically died in Scotland.

  • @pluto4847
    @pluto484712 жыл бұрын

    @cnaptakmockba Since when do Scottish prisoners get released on com passionate grounds? Never I think you need to check your facts. You know I'm a nice guy, but I will only tolerate so much. Please leave America alone. I mourn the 290 fatalities of Pan Am Flight 103. @70 Americans died on the plane,. and about over a dozen of Scots died on the ground. I know what you might do. You'll try to manipulate me to believe what you belive. No way! I think Scotland was wrong. Final Word!

  • @wonjubhoy


    3 жыл бұрын

    To answer your question 1993.