Оздоровление Ицюань. Лекция Яо Цзунсюня. Стояние в столбе при хронических заболеваниях


Что такое Ицюань?
Стиль Ицюань принадлежит к традиционному Ушу, созданный в 20 веке мастером Ван Сянчжаем. Этот стиль называют «внутренним боксом» - тренировка основана на внутренней работе в «Столбах стоя» - Чжан Чжуан, медленных движений рук и ног - Шили и Моцабу, быстрых движениях - Фали, а также парной работе - Туйшоу и Саньда. В отличии от других стилей Ушу, в Ицюань нет формальных комплексов - Таолу, а основное внимание уделяется расслаблению тела и концентрации ума. Методы Ицюань имеют схожие моменты с другими внутренними системами, такими как Тайцзицюань, Цигун.
В Ицюань цель практики - это объединить тело и ум, укрепить здоровье и улучшить боевые навыки. Практикующие другие виды методов, при помощи Ицюань смогут улучшить концентрацию мысли и глубже расслабить тело, а практикующие другие боевые искусства, могут тренироваться в туйшоу - метод воздействия на баланс противника, выводя его из равновесия.
Наконец Ицюань положительно влияет на здоровье. Расслабление тела способствует циркуляции жидкостей организма, стимулирует обмен веществ, укрепляет иммунитет, сохраняет мышечный тонус, при этом каждое упражнение руководствуется мыслью «И» - что усиливает концентрацию внимания и положительно стимулирует мозг. Эта часть практики, которая нацелена на сохранение здоровья и хорошего самочувствия называется «Яншэн» - «Питание жизни»
Все методики тренировки предназначены для ознакомления, заниматься данными упражнениями необходимо под руководством квалифицированного наставника и после консультации с врачом.
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Пікірлер: 64

  • @Oles-dk2hx
    @Oles-dk2hx29 күн бұрын


  • @user-ib1ps3hd1f
    @user-ib1ps3hd1f Жыл бұрын

    Спасибо за ваш труд !

  • @ItsAllGoodGames
    @ItsAllGoodGames Жыл бұрын

    ENGLISH TRANSLATION Anything in () is my addition Today I will briefly introduce you to YiQuan. Yiquan comes from the family of XingYiQuan. Dai LongBang from ShangXi province supposedly learned XingYiQuan in Hanan province. Afterwards he taught Li Luoneng from Hebei province. The name XingYiQuan was then changed to XinYiQuan. Then Li Luoneng taught XinYiQuan around Shen. Lu Xioan, Guo Yunshen, Che Ingjai, Sheung XunShun were his best students.(sorry for mispelling names lol) Wang Xiangzhai learned with Gio Yunshen. Wang Xiangzhai left the Shen region in 1907 and went to Baoging(sorry mispelled). Then he went to Peking where he spent some time. Then he went South, at first to Hunan province Shaolin Temple, where he had detailed discussion with the head monk Hamlinem(misspelled). Then he went to Hunan, Hubeng, Hubei, Guandung, and other provinces. In 1929, he went to Hanjou and then Shanghai. After that he returned to Peking. In Peking in 1940's everything changes. YiQuan started being called DaChengQuan, and that name was used until 1949. After the liberation of the country in 1949, Wang Xiangzhai dedicated himself to teaching YangSheng, towards a health direction. He no longer used the name DaChengQuan and instead focused on the healing aspects of YiQuan. Already in the 1960's he worked as a therapist in the Peoples Medicine Institute. In 1961 he was consultant in Hebei Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In this way he trained all the way until death, and due to sickness he died in 1963. So here is a short history of Yiquan. Now lets look at the unique aspects and methods of YiQuan. The method of training has 2 branches, that are differentiated by the exercises. There are 2 main branches, health methods YangSheng. The second is what Wang Xiangzhai called self defense, also traditionally called combat methods. Today we call it Sanda. Our training is not the repetition of the sequential techniques of TaoLu, behind the techniques i presume are the combat arsenal(sorry wasn't sure how to translate this) I'm not saying that there is no technique, but the training is not focused on the principles of sequential techniques. We don't learn specific methods of defence and attack. We consider that in combat there is no time for thinking. Our spontaneity, our force(or power?), our speed have a big meaning. That's why we don't train successive exercises. Our main exercises for health or for combat is standing in Zhan Zhuang. The ordinary poses are called the health YangShengZhuang and combat DziDziZhuang. The combat pose used to be called HunYuanZhuang. Practice for health consists of maintaning the pose and staying unmoving and calm. The pose is done standing but can also be practiced sitting, lying, and while walking. Zhan Zhuang contains many poses. From the very beginning of training, we pay attention to 3 important aspects. 1) Concentration on a mental image. 2) General relaxation of body FangSong(meaning of Song is unclear northstarmartialarts.com/blog1/2014/9/30/song-may-not-mean-relax-or-sink.html) 3) Natural breathing. Of course we don't expect a beginner to be able to from the first few trainings to completely concentrate and cleanse his mind. In the beginning it is enough to maximally calm down the mind and be convinced that you are staying concentrated, to enter the state of mental calm. At first, avoid thoughts about something sad, nasty, or trivial. These thoughts must be replaced with others. This is all fundamnetal work with thoughts of images in zhan zhuang, that consist of concentration on thoughts of images, Yi Nian Hua Dung(mispelled?). Yi Nian Hua Dung, thoughts of images, allows us to maintain the state of concentration and get rid of intrusive thoughts. This is one of the main functions of visualization. Second, to help us to enter a particular state, as in to create using thoughts the necessary conditions for relaxing the mind. To have the opportunity to concentrate, one must first calm down the mind. For example, it is necessary when starting your practice, when you assume the pose, there's no need to think that we are training, no need to think that we are healing ourselves, or strengthening ourselves with the help of this practice. Simply don't think about it. You can train in a well ventilated indoors place looking out the window, or you can practice outside. Don't think that you are training, think that you are here to rest. Before the beginning of practice, at first acquire the state of calmness, afterwards assume the pose and get started with visualization. For example, you can imagine that you are standing above the ground, you can close your eyes and imagine that you are standing in water. Or you can imagine that you are lying in a bath. imagine that you are bathing in warm water, but at the same time your head is above the water. Imagine that the water is slightly moving, on the surface appear small waves, and you will see their pulsations and feel the movement of the waves with your whole body. At the same time you remain maximally relaxed. The goal consists of feeling through the imagination that on the body is acting a very flexible and very soft external force that helps you relax. We can also use other thoughts of images. For example, during practice we can think that we are outside in the spring, when the flowers around us are blooming. Imagine how a small breeze is blowing, you can hear the birds singing, smelling the aroma of nature. Imagine how the small breeze is blowing, and feel it with your whole body. Imagine how your hair is fluttering in the wind. Feel the touch of the wind on your skin, how the hairs are moving in the wind. This is necessary for the complete relaxation of the skin. If you can't relax, for example if you can't feel the appearance of wind, then the key is in the visualizaion that will allow the relaxation of your body and mind. This is the function of thoughts of images. We can also, thanks to visualization, increase the intensity of work of the muscles. For example, imagine you are holding light ball in your arms, so light as if its made from thin paper or some thin material. We're holding it very gently and imagine that a light wind is blowing. Then afterwards it is important to have the intention to not allow the ball to be blown away by the wind and fly away, while at the same time try to not squish the ball so that it blows up in your arms. The pressure must be such that we can hold onto the ball without damaging it. We must find the right intention, we remain factually on the verge of movement. Practicing for a certain duration Zhan Zhuang with this intention, it will really seem like as if in your arms you are holding a light ball. You can feel that all your muscles are swollen and you can feel the sensation of warmth. You can also feel that the flow of blood is reaching the very tips of your fingers. These are some of the feelings that may appear at first. There is no need to visualize constantly. The intent must help to find a certain feeling that arises after a few minutes. If you cannot find that feeling despite of visualizing, you can stop for a little while and observe oneself. I have something somewhere that hurts, shoulders hurt or tensed legs. For example, if your shoulder hurts, you can lower your arms a little so that you assume a pose that for you is not too tiresome. The legs must be a little bit bent, as are all the joints in your body. If you feel that your legs are swollen, especially the calves, you can raise yourself higher, less bending of the legs. And also the opposite, you can bend your legs more if you feel the exercise if to easy for you.

  • @ItsAllGoodGames


    Жыл бұрын

    Pay attention to the reactions of the body. As a rule beginners feel aches, numbness, even pain, feelings of swelling and heat. (word here, can't understand) and crying are often observed in people with weakened immune systems. These reactions don't last forever, and usually dissapear during the course of a few days of practice. Tears create pleasant feelings and clear the eyes. Zhan Zhuang, people who have traumas or after serious medical interference, after surgery, even sick people who are not aware of their sickness, can feel localized pain in their organism. These reactions such as fatigue, pain, dizziness, tremor in earlier traumatized parts of body, these are normal occurences and there is nothing scary about it. We can continue the practice during certain duration, and these feelings in most cases quickly dissapear. Although sometimes unpleasant feelings get more intense, then it's better to rest for a little while, take a walk for a little while. If the duration of training is too short, you can practice zhan zhuang once or twice a day. Visualization YiNian is an instrument that we can stop using when the feeling is received, and again resume when the feeling dissapears. For example, when you lose the feeling of wind, or the feeling of water, feeling of wellbeing. So the first demand of the practice is concentration and visualization. The second demand is maximal relaxation of body. Since we're holding the posture in standing or sitting, this relaxation is relative. No matter whether you are standing or sitting, you are using your muscles for maintaining the posture. Some people with chronic sicknesses, its even hard for them to sit in one place because it takes effort so the muscles are mobilized. In this way, general relaxation of the body is a relative term. You need to use enough strength to maintain the pose, nothing more nothing less. So how come in zhan zhuang we say that we must be relaxed but not slack, we need to be able to be completely relaxed but at the same time not falling. This is why its important to use as little effort as possible, exactly the amount neccesary for maintaining the position. Consequently, that is relative relaxation, this is necessary to understand. During learning, if you are feeling tension, the cause of it may be that you are holding the pose for too long and are getting tired. You can change the pose, such as slightly lowering the arms to lower the intensity of the exercise. Pay attention to your heartbeat, if the pulse becomes too fast and you are getting tired, pay attention to whether you are thinking about a stressful situation. These kinds of thoughts for a long duration tense up the body and increase the pulse. Also pay attention to see if you are using too much strength. These same kinds of reactions occur when holding the position with too much strength. Therefore pay attention to yourself, if your pulse is increasing then you are wasting too much energy, lower the intensity of the exercise. If you are thinking about a stressful situation or sad things, try to stop thinking about them, this way the sought after relaxation is relative. The third demand is to have natural breath. You must try to find the innate breath. The breath must be like in everyday life. It must not be a compulsion, as if shortening or lengthening it. We must take care to breath naturally. Wang Xiangzhai insisted on the breath being an innate function. Therefore there is no need to somehow change it, such as to try to breath with the stomach or sending Qi to DanTian. He said that we know how to breath when we are born, and gave as an example the breathing that can be observed in a newborn when lying and especially sleeping. We can see how their stomachs regularly inflate and deflate. For example, we can take the breath of a sleeping grown person, that is usually deep and continous. This corresponds to that we are looking for YangShengGun health practice, regular, long, and continous breath. A vivid example is people who snore during sleep. Of course snoring is not a normal occurence, but we can hear that its a long and deep breath, which is not happening when a man is awake, its impossible to immitate. So when the mind the calm, when the body is relaxed, when there is a general sense of well being, the body is positively stimulated. After some time in an natural way, we get this smooth, fine, deep continuous breathing. Therefore there is no need to search for a specific breathing, because force breathing is not harmonious and appropriate, it can even bring problems. So the idea consists of to once again reveal this wonderful and deep breathing, allowing nature to go its own way. This natural breathing is a fundamental moment. If you are feeling that your breathing is blocked in zhan zhuang, its possible that you are tensing up and thinking about stressful things. Maybe you are using too much strength, you may experience shortness of breath, your pulse will increase. In this situation you may slightly open your mouth, and deeply breath with the nose and mouth 3 or 4 times in order to find normal breath, after which you breathe only through your nose once your breath normalizes. Regarding the length of practice, the length changes from sitation to sitation. You can set up 10, 15, 20 minute etc, do it standing or sitting, keep it as long while you are calm and comfortable. If you cannot calm the mind, the thoughts are attacking you and you are too tired, you can shorten the practice time. Sometimes there are feelings that time is going very slow, when the person is bothered by something. When you are practicing properly, when you have a good feeling, time goes really fast. To some beginners, it feels like 5 minutes is an eternity, while others don't feel any difficulty. As soon as you can calm the mind, you will begin to feel pleasant feeling, and you will no longer be thinking about that you are practicing. At that point you will be able to easily go from 5 minutes to 30 minutes. Many people who i am teaching are surprised at how fast those 30 minutes fly by. The time has not sped up but their perception of it has changed. Therefore there is no need to look at the time when you are training. You also don't need to search for the right pose, the height of the arms, position of the arms, bending of the legs, are not especially important at the beginning. The essence is to focus on the 3 demands about which ive spoke at the beginning, concentration, general relaxation, and natural breathing. Exactly this is what needs attention, not seeking some ideal position at the beginning. But this does not mean that the search for the right position is not important, all this happens gradually, paying attention to the reactions of the organism during practice. Be attentive, don't force yourself through strength, a practitioner who cannot stand for long, tenses up, this position won't be of benefit to him. Therefore i'd ask him to practice in sitting for a certain time. Some say to me that sitting practice is not effective and they'd like to train standing. But when you are not strong enough to train in standing, you risk getting trauma. This is why for health recovery and strengthening the organism, if we want to eliminate disease and restore health, you need to respect the limits of your organism and not overestimate yourself. Train from this understanding. This is a foundation of the practice. This is a short summary of the demands of the health practices of YiQuan.

  • @user-xq1lt5dr4c
    @user-xq1lt5dr4c4 ай бұрын


  • @Mr-vv8xx
    @Mr-vv8xx Жыл бұрын

    Андрей, большок спасибо за лекцию. Очень полезная лекция.

  • @yiquan.russia


    Жыл бұрын

  • @blondinchic
    @blondinchic2 ай бұрын


  • @andreyanatolevich2786
    @andreyanatolevich2786 Жыл бұрын

    Спасибо, хорошая лекция.

  • @yiquan.russia


    Жыл бұрын

  • @Damir1964
    @Damir1964 Жыл бұрын


  • @yiquan.russia


    Жыл бұрын

  • @ItsAllGoodGames
    @ItsAllGoodGames Жыл бұрын

    Wow thank you!

  • @yiquan.russia


    Жыл бұрын

  • @Saha_Kshatriya
    @Saha_Kshatriya Жыл бұрын


  • @strange4492
    @strange4492 Жыл бұрын

    Спасибо, стою уже 2-ой месяц.

  • @yiquan.russia


    Жыл бұрын

    От простого к сложному, от легкого к тяжелому, от малого к большему, от усилия к не усилию!

  • @Nikolay138


    Жыл бұрын

    Сколько минут вам удается в практике находиться ?

  • @yiquan.russia


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Nikolay138 вы имеете ввиду время стояния в столбе ?

  • @strange4492


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Nikolay138 Была по 35-40 мин., 3 месяца, меньше, как я поняла нет смысла, а затем резко бросила. Сейчас снова собираюсь стоять, но с другой "целью".

  • @user-ob8nx4oe6g
    @user-ob8nx4oe6g Жыл бұрын

    Андрей здравия! Александр из Москвы. А Вы уже изучили язык и переводите? Конечно, это очень интересно. Приятно постигать Ицюань с Вашей бережной поддержкой нас начинающих и продолжающих новичков. 🙏💕

  • @yiquan.russia


    Жыл бұрын

    Александр приветствую! Изучения китайского языка у меня в процессе, учу. Спасибо за отзыв. Приходите на семинар по Ицюань в Москве 11 - 12 февраля 2023 Семинар по Ицюань в Москве - линия мастера Цуй Жуйбиня Внимание!!! Изменение адреса зала ул. Арбат, 24 (м. Смоленская) Центр "Мир" 11 февраля Суббота - с 10 до 12 и с 18 до 20 часов 12 февраля Воскресенье - с 10-12 - вопросы - ответы, выдача сертификатов

  • @user-nc3bi1qo4e
    @user-nc3bi1qo4e Жыл бұрын

    Существуют Инь и Ян методы Чжан Чжуан которые неразрывно связаны.Инь метод- войти в изменённое состояния сознания ощутить сеть силы и работать с мыслью дыханием и натягами-это больше для здоровья укрепляющий метод. Но для Б.И.нужно двигаться делать технику без применения физичской силы.Для этого существует Ян-метод основанный на Системе Осознание 9 дворцов которая создаёт множество энерговихрей меняющая базовый способ выполнения движений что позволяет двигаться без применения физической силы.Физическая сила-это продукт напряжения мышц которая мгновенно подавляет всю внутреннюю работу т.к.физическая сила-это самый мощный конкурирующий сигнал-как говорит наука.Дыхание также не даёт мгновенно нужного количества энергии тебуя много времени.Система Осознание 9 дворцов забирая энергию пространства мгновенно даёт ощущение огромной силы которая не истощаеться а всё время пребывает в отличии от физической силы применение которой в бою приводит к быстрому физическому и психическому истощению. Поэтому нужно знать и Ян и Инь методы ЧжанЧжуан.Не зная этого реально будеш работать на физической силе.

  • @nabobbezranga5062


    Жыл бұрын

    Более сокровенный метод это метод трех сил Небо земля человек Прелселатель мао утверждал что с небом и землей он осознал как боротся а вот с человекрм таки нет Так что есть куды двигаться вам- экспертам по янь инь методам

  • @yiquan.russia


    Жыл бұрын

    Эти методы существуют в методах Ицюань или в каких то других школах?

  • @nabobbezranga5062


    Жыл бұрын

    @@yiquan.russia этл в голоае у щаявояющего есть и не более Суть внутренниз методов движение к прежденебесной ци что вы как материалист отрицаете не укащывая на то что отход от традиционного понимания о ци и иных терминах вызван гонениями намцигун из за ыанлунгун в Китае Можно скоьтко угодно дергаться в столбе в микродвижениях но это не приблизит практикующего к пониманию природного состояния прежленебесной ци Не все так просто в стольах по видимому У Маялявина китаеведа есть несколько статей об этом

  • @yiquan.russia


    Жыл бұрын

    @@nabobbezranga5062 Не совсем понял. Что отрицаю?

  • @nabobbezranga5062


    Жыл бұрын

    @@yiquan.russia отрицаете тот факт (сложилось такое представление у меня неоодного) что ци есть как и шень и цзин и тд Вы одновременно ссылаясь на традиционную китайскую медицину пытаетесь обьяснить стиль с научной точки зрения Я так впечатлился от ваших видео В то же время ван санджай говорил или кто то говоиил что он говорил что через 1090 лет если и моявиться человек с его уровнем понимания стиля то это будет боььшая удача То жен Юннань не смог понять судя по интервью его что же явояется основой оздоровления в столбе Так что практика критерий истины А не болтовня

  • @user-og3wq1rt1s
    @user-og3wq1rt1s Жыл бұрын

    Здравствуйте. Для тех, кто не может посещать семинары, есть ли обучающие видео или видео семинаров?

  • @yiquan.russia


    Жыл бұрын

    Здравствуйте. Да, есть обучающий курс в виде лекций и уроков

  • @user-og3wq1rt1s


    Жыл бұрын

    Как их можно приобрести?

  • @yiquan.russia


    Жыл бұрын

    @@user-og3wq1rt1s напишите на почту Yiquan@list.ru

  • @ItsAllGoodGames
    @ItsAllGoodGames5 ай бұрын

    PART 2?

  • @yiquan.russia


    5 ай бұрын


  • @nowispower
    @nowispower2 ай бұрын

    Почему ты постоянно произносиш ИЧУАНЬ а пишется ИЦЮАНЬ

  • @yiquan.russia


    2 ай бұрын

    Потому что по китайски так произносится

  • @user-kv1dh2sz6j
    @user-kv1dh2sz6j Жыл бұрын


  • @yiquan.russia


    Жыл бұрын
