Outline 27: What does the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act mean for Planning? - 25 January 2024

In this session Trevor Ivory (Partner and UK Head of Planning) is joined by Ian Graves (Legal Director) to discuss the provisions of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023. They consider:
- The changes to the test in s38(6) Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and National Development Management Policies;
- The changes to forward planning processes and local plan deadlines;
- New provisions relating to completion notices;
- Development progress reports and the new power to decline to determine applications where developers have been unreasonably slow in progressing previous developments;
- New section 73B Town and Country Planning Act to allow for minor material amendments to planning permissions where this doesn't result in a "substantially different" development;
- The Infrastructure Levy, how it might differ from CIL and the relationship to s106 obligations;
- Changes to heritage planning and introduction of street votes;
- The power for statutory bodies to charge for their input into DCO applications and processes; and
- Requirements for common data standards.
