
It’s time to hear your stories. Next up, meet Lex...
“When I realised there were people like me, I felt relief. It put me on the path to diagnosis and learning more about who I am as an autistic person. I was brought up as a girl and as a woman and perceived as that for most of my life. I hadn’t seen many stories like mine and having the autism diagnosis helped me realise I am non-binary. I’m trying to get to a place where I know myself better.
I think if someone sees themselves in somebody else, that makes them feel seen and heard, and included. And those are really important things for autistic people because you spend a lot of your life never feeling like that ever. And that can save people’s lives, which I think is really, really important.”
You can hear more of Lex’s story on our website bit.ly/3SNOqXa
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