Northbrook Mtn to White Cedar Park part 1

This is a walk in three parts, The walk follows Lawton Road south from Northbrook Mountain, and turns onto a ridge back to White Cedar. This video is part 1.
Lawton Road continues south past the turnoff to England Creek Road (and the remote bush camp), and 1.5 kilometres further on is joined on the right by Cattleyards Break, that comes up from White Cedar Park.
Cattleyards Break on the right at 12:00 in the video.
A further 1.5 kilometres down Lawton Road is what used to be Northbrook Mountain remote bush camp # 2, although the road and remote bush camp labelling has vanished from Google Earth. The #2 camp is a clearing next to the road, and this is where part 1 finishes.
In part 2 and 3 the walk leaves the road and follows a trail west along a ridge top, on a good trail in open country. Part 3 is the descent to White Cedar Park.
D'Aguilar National Park Mt Glorious Queensland Australia
