Northbrook Mtn to White Cedar Park pt 2

This is a walk in three parts, following Lawton Road from Northbrook Mountain,and turning onto a ridge back to White Cedar. This is part 2.
Three kilometres down Lawton Road is what used to be Northbrook Mountain remote bush camp # 2. The #2 camp is a clearing next to the road, and this is where part 2 starts. I turned off Lawton Road at the camp and followed a ridge out towards White Cedar Park. There was the remnants of a logging track, and a cattle pad at the centre of the ridge, a simple exercise in navigation to make a circuit.
Part 2 finishes where the route leaves the ridge to descend to White Cedar Park. I put up a crossed sticks sign to show the place to leave the last ridge, at the top of a knoll.
D'Aguilar National Park Mt Glorious Queensland Australia
