Neewer L Bracket for ZV-E1 | Product Showcase

#neewer #sony #zve1
🕕. Timestamp
0:00 Introduction
0:09 Unboxing
0:28 Feature
1:07 Additional Features
✍🏼. Mesage
The number 1 thing i recommend picking up for your Sony ZV-E1. The L bracket from Neewer stays on pretty much 24/7 !! Hope you enjoy this one!
👤. About me
Hi there! My name is Ken and I'm based in Japan! (at least for now )! On my channel you'll see videos about sniplets of my life in Japan, Product review and First impression, unboxing video and a bunch more. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy!
📸. Socials
Instagram: @kendidshoots
