Native American Powwow 2016

Native American Powwow 2016
St. Joseph’s Indian School
A traditional Lakota (Sioux) powwow helps Native American children, like those attending St. Joseph’s Indian School, appreciate their culture, embrace their heritage and share their traditions with YOU and other friends from across the nation.
Since 1976, St. Joseph’s Indian School has hosted an annual weekend to celebrate Lakota culture on our campus.
Visitors are welcome and encouraged to attend our powwow activities, all of which are free of charge. Activities begin on Thursday and culminate Saturday evening. Here’s some of the activities we have planned:
• Reservation Bus Tour ($25 per person, registration required, limited seating)
• A tiyospaye - extended family - banquet on Friday night (registration required)
• Cultural activities, including a hand drum demonstration, Lakota food demonstration and making dreamcatchers
• Tours of St. Joseph’s campus, classrooms and the children’s homes
• All-day powwow dance competition for Lakota children of all ages
• Native American drum group competition
• Health Center Site Blessing
• Traditional Lakota (Sioux) meal
• And much, much more!
My name is Tarles, and I’m going to show you what the powwow is all about.
The first thing our donors do, after meeting Fr. Anthony, is hop on a bus for our reservation tour. We stop at a beautiful dam, see the flags, and even make a short stop at a small hunting lodge. Then, we venture to an Earth Lodge. Our donors get an experience of how our Lakota people lived many years ago.
The next day, we share even more Lakota culture with our donors. We have a dreamcatcher workshop; our visitors are always amazed with our finished product.
Then we get an interactive demonstration on Lakota hand games and learn from the master himself (Mike Marshall)!
Outside, in our Medicine Wheel Garden, we get stories and teaching from John Beheler about the sacred symbols and its uses for medicine, healing and the balance of life.
Last but not least is the student presentation. Our visitors learn about the different styles of dance and what our regalia means. We even dance for everyone at the end!
Then, finally, it’s the morning of powwow. There is a strange, calm feeling that morning-but it doesn’t last long. It’s time to get ready!!
Then, it is time to dance!
It’s sad when powwow is over, but I’m already excited for next year!
Thank you, donors, for providing all that we need at St. Joseph’s Indian School.
To learn more about St. Joseph's Indian School and Native American powwow celebrations, download our free powwow booklet today!
