Nadir Hassan | Solution Architect

Nadir originally hails from Pakistan but lived most of his life in Abu Dhabi. 10 years ago, he came to Canada to pursue Computer Engineering from University of Toronto. When he graduated, he along with a few friends launched a startup - an event technology app. Since two of the three founders were international students so they have restrictions to workout for certain number of years to get PR. Hence, they disbanded the startup. The App did make it to Dragon's Den though where they got the first hand experience on how to handle intense situations in front of investors.
Afterwards he worked for a few Startups, one of which was a dental tech startup, then a Marketing Chat Bot startup. Later on one of his family friends brought him on board as Technical co-founder to bring their vision to life for a Boutique Startup. The goal was to have e-commerce on steroids. Through the platform one could find products such as shoes in nearby stores and pick them up. They were caught into a Catch-22 problem, customers are not happy if they do not have products and vendors are not onboarding if they don't have customers.
Nadir went on to create his third app Project that was his personal project. He used to do Arts & Sketching in his free work. So, he created a platform where people from all around the world could upload their work and others could provide critique. He took this idea to Startup School (Y Combinator) competition.
Nowadays, he is working as a team lead in Thompson Reuters. His primary work is technical architecture and building new capability for his team.
He advises to read up on Shu-ha-ri. It's from an old Japanese martial arts saying. Shu - start learning the process; Ha - make advancements; Ri - open the door to creative technique.
