Mu-Generation X Special- NESTS Bosses Marathon Part 1

Hi there. This 5 part special will have my team take on the NEST Bosses Marathon challenge by @Maycol Gamer 026. If you’re interested in this challenge or want to ask questions about it, click this link for more information.
• MG026 MUGEN Special #6...
For this challenge, you’ll have to defeat the 5 bosses of the NESTS saga (AI Patches are optional) with mostly KOF fighters, however you are allowed to use Touhou, CVS, Blazblue, Guilty Gear and Fist of the North Star styled characters. So with all that in mind, enjoy the special.
Vinny: Alright, so is everybody ready?
Athena: Let’s get this show started!
Yoko: I’m ready when you are.
Sakuya: This should be interesting.
Ragna: Hey folks, welcome to the base. These 4 are playing a round of Mario Kart, they’re racing at Baby Park and I’m just sitting here looking after them so nothing goes out of hand.
While the 4 are playing Mario Kart, the Dude walks into the room with a note in his hand.
The Dude: Hey guys, I see you all are playing Mario Kart, mind if I have a moment to talk?
Vinny: In a moment…
Yeah! First place, always rely on Speed Luigi, (Luigi Voice) he’s really fast! (Normal Voice) So what do you need us for?
The Dude: Note for you guys.
Peter, Don Patch and Ronald: (Sing a note that startles most of the group)
Ragna: We don’t have time for musical numbers!
Yoko: Dang it, that note threw me off.
Sakuya: At least you did better than I did.
The Dude: But in all seriousness, I got this note that says that the group called NESTS is up to their old schemes.
Athena: Did you say NESTS?
Vinny: You know them? Are they like a bird watching company?
Yoko: I think that’s more of a bird nursery.
Athena: This has nothing to do with birds.
The Dude: She’s right, and I’ve selected you 5 to go and infiltrate the building and put a stop to them.
All 5: Right!
The Dude: That’s the spirit, while inside the building, you must take on the 5 bosses of the organization.
Ragna: I think we can take them.
Vinny: I’m ready when you are.
Athena: We’ll show them what this team is capable of.
Yoko: And bring down whatever plans they might have.
Sakuya: As well as put a stop to their evil ways.
The Dude: Great, now get out there and beat em!
And so Athena, Ragna, Yoko, Sakuya and Vinny head out to the NESTS base, chanting “Beat em!” along the way.
At NESTS headquarters
Vinny: Well, this must be the place.
Ragna: I think we should split up, just so we can make this quicker.
Yoko: Good idea, let’s go.
All 5 of them head inside the building and split up to locate the 5 bosses, Athena is the first to find one of them.
The Dude: Have you located any of the bosses?
Athena: I found Krizalid, should I take action?
The Dude: You should do so, but be careful, Krizalid can be quite tricky with his rushdown grabs, which can catch you off guard if you’re not careful, as well as his deadly specials.
Athena: Got it.
Just then, Krizalid spots Athena.
Krizalid: Well, Well, Well. It looks like the psychic pop star has come here to infiltrate NESTS again, huh? I’m afraid your little show will be put to an end.
Athena: Well, not if I can help it.
Me: Athena by JTCF555
Opponent: Krizalid by Nyankoro
Stage: Site Vector 70599 B by Cirio
Music: Cutting Edge (KOF2002UM OST)
