Mu-Generation X Special- NESTS Bosses Marathon Part 2

When we last left Mu-Generation X, 5 members were sent to infiltrate NESTS, and Athena had just defeated Krizalid, one of their bosses. We now join her after her fight.
Athena: The Dude, I just put on quite the performance against Krizalid.
The Dude: Great job Athena, now transform into Krizalid with your physic powers and gather up the others.
Athena: You got it, but I better find a place to hide so I don’t get caught.
Athena picks up the knocked out Krizalid and finds a place to transform.
Meanwhile Vinny looks around, preparing the Azure for whatever he might encounter. Just then, a man with a mustache and a gray cloak spots him.
???: You there, what business do you have here?
Vinny: Um… I wanted to join your birdwatching group?
???: We don’t watch birds, but very well. Prove yourself worthy by besting me in battle.
Vinny: Can you give me a minute? Dude, just who is this guy?
The Dude: That’s Clone Zero, one of the bosses, you better be careful around this guy, he can catch you off guard with his various attacks, as well as his devastating black hole attack, just stay on him and you’re good.
Vinny thinks about Zero from Megaman X, but realizes it’s not the same guy.
Vinny: He doesn’t look like a clone of Zero, but I got it.
Clone Zero: Get ready then, because I won’t be holding back.
Me: Vinny by Brergrsart
Opponent: Clone Zero by GONZO (Duagi Ai Patch)
Stage: KOF2000 Zero Stage by Ryo2005
Music: Dark Gravitation (KOF2002UM OST)

Пікірлер: 2

  • @MaycolGamer026
    @MaycolGamer026Ай бұрын

    0:58 This is the funniest grab move ever!

  • @fernandovaladez3439
    @fernandovaladez3439 Жыл бұрын
