Mother Angela Gillespie - 19th Century Visionary

Meet Mother Angela Gillespie, a visionary Catholic woman of the 19th century. Born Eliza Maria Gillespie, her accomplishments were many.
As a religious sister and then mother superior of the Sisters of the Holy Cross, she was the driving force behind many of that orders works. Mother Angela oversaw the development and growth of Saint Mary's Academy now St. Mary's college in South Bend, Indiana, and many other Catholic women's institutions across the United States.
She was also a Civil War nurse who served under General Ulysses S. Grant, and established a number of temporary and permanent war hospitals. Very importantly, she also eased the suffering of many soldiers of both sides of that conflict by her hands on work.
After the war, she returned to building her order, and was critical in developing Hawkes Hospital of Mt. Carmel in Columbus, Ohio, essentially rescuing the struggling institution and building the foundation for what is now the Mount Carmel Health System. Mother Angela was also an important Catholic educator.
This is her Story.
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