Misha answering various questions (JIB5)


JIBCON:5, clips from various questions asked during the first solo Misha panel at jus in bello convention.
Q1 (00:03): Misha/Castiel crying on supernatural.
Q2 (00:43): Did Castiel think Dean died at the end of S9?
Q3 (01:11): Castiel's happiest moments.
Q4 (02:35) J2 prank during Misha's directorial debut.
Q5 (03:10) Misha's opinion on the Angel community.
Misha also goes off on a tangent at the end about West and child rearing... and tells the story about West peeing on his sister/Misha peeing on his brother.
Sorry about the crappy vantage-point and focus throughout the video, it was before I moved closer to the stage.

