Mikkerj, sleeper119, notes of strings - Songs from a forgotten world (Rearchived)

The Forgotten Worlds Archive recently received a burnt hard drive labeled "re:world in between. 119, nos". We present the recordings found within, in their unedited state. Nothing is known of these researchers or what has become of the worlds in between since our initial visit, so make of these what you will. Perhaps we will have to return one day and archive our findings. Thank you, and we hope you enjoy.
0:00 Gone in an instant (Death of a world) - sleeper119
2:30 Dvhyridan moisture farm (In these fields remains nothing) - notes of strings
5:35 Deep beneath the surface (Something's lurking) - sleeper119
7:14 Light garden (Warmth flows in from the collapsed dome) - notes of strings
12:16 Stardrops (A second chance for the Dvhyridans) - sleeper119
13:50 Gone in an instant (Let's orbit the sun forever) - notes of strings

