Meet La Luna Family: Don Guido (Turn captions On)

Amazonian shaman Don Guido at La Luna del Amazonas, serves as an extension of the services provided in the village clinic.
Guido has worked at many different healing centers in the amazon jungle, but he has never abandoned the family clinic in the village, where he still receives local patients.
Guido is well known in Santa Maria where he has cured countless illnesses using his knowledge of the medicinal plants of the Amazonian jungle and his physical and spiritual healing knowledge.
He explains that the healing during a ceremony takes part on an energetic level. The ayahuasca enables him to see and remove any energetic blockages the patient might have.
"For example, During a traumatic experience you might subconsciously block energetic channels or chakras as a defense mechanism to protect yourself from further pain of that experience. This can later in life manifest as depression, anxiety or physical disease.
During the ayahuasca ceremony I will remove the blockage, and when thats done, you are healed" says Don Guido.
