Making Your Fitness Plan Stick: Strategies for Success

My biggest obstacle when it comes to health and fitness is Sticking to a plan … I lose weight then regain it. I also start to exercise then lose interest, especially in the hot humid months. I do like to walk and find that’s the only exercise I do.
I would put this obstacle into the “life happens” basket. My thoughts also went to developing consistency and being unclear on why health and fitness are important to you. Because you start, but something else takes over or you find more reasons not to do it than to do it.
1. Know Your Why - Set Realistic Goals:
• Understand and define the reasons behind your desire to be fit and healthy.
• Reflect on your values and how exercise aligns with them.
• Ask yourself why you want to engage in physical activity.
• Consider the positive feelings or experiences you associate with exercise, such as increased energy, improved mood, or a sense of accomplishment.
• Consider the long-term benefits such as reduced risk of chronic diseases, increased lifespan, and enhanced overall quality of life.
• Anticipate potential challenges and consider how exercise can help you overcome them. This proactive approach can enhance your commitment.
• Establish achievable short-term and long-term goals that align with your motivations.
• Break down your goals into smaller, manageable milestones.
2. Flexible Schedule:
• Design a flexible workout schedule that can adapt to changes.
• If you miss a session, reschedule it within the same week instead of skipping altogether.
3. Plan for Variety:
• Incorporate a variety of exercises and activities to prevent boredom.
• Rotate between different forms of cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises.
4. Emergency “Life Happens” Workout:
• Create a short, high-intensity workout routine for days when time is limited.
• A quick session is better than no session.
5. Accountability System:
• Share your goals with a friend, family member, or workout buddy who can provide encouragement and support.
• Join fitness classes or groups where others are relying on your presence.
6. Mindset Shift:
• View exercise as a non-negotiable part of your routine, just like other essential activities.
• Recognise that consistency is more important than intensity. Consistent, moderate exercise is better than sporadic intense workouts.
7. Reassess and Adjust:
• Regularly reassess your fitness plan and make adjustments based on your evolving priorities and interests.
• If you feel unmotivated or bored, change your routine, try new activities, or set new fitness goals.
8. Prevent Excuses:
• Anticipate common excuses and develop strategies to overcome them. For example, have a “life happens” plan for bad weather or busy days.
9. Incorporate Lifestyle Activities:
• Include physical activity in your daily life, such as walking instead of driving or taking the stairs instead of the elevator.
10. Celebrate Success:
• Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements regularly, reinforcing positive behaviour.
11. Professional Support:
• Consider consulting with a fitness professional or a health coach to help you tailor your plan to your specific needs and challenges.
12. Listen to Your Body:
• If you're feeling exhausted or unwell, give yourself permission to rest. It's essential to balance activity with adequate recovery.
13. Reflect and Learn:
• Regularly reflect on your experiences and learn from setbacks. Adjust your plan accordingly.
Remember, life is dynamic, and it's normal for obstacles to arise. The key is to approach these challenges with a proactive and adaptable mindset. A well-thought-out and flexible plan will help you navigate the ups and downs of life while maintaining a consistent exercise routine.

