Mackie thump 15 with yamaha dxs12 mk2 subs

Again another quick video of the mackie thumps paired with 12" yamaha dxs subs. The cables are neutronic xlrs and the rca's have now been upgraded to pro Dj ones as recommended by the community. The system chain goes:
Trackor 3 (mp3 files)
Trackor s2 sound card
Into the alto mixer (used to increase gain to 0)
Into the drive rack pa 2
Auto EQ and level run (EQ for the room, worked fantastic, the bass tightened up perfectly)
Out to the mackie thumps and yamaha subs with there levels set to unity 0db.
Sound quality even at loud volumes is fantastic, so distortion as signal is clean through the chain and never pushed into distortion. All of this is running of a 10 plug extention lead into a single 13amp socket. Roughly system at max should be pulling no more than 600 watts. Will measure at some point and post an update.
Any questions please let me know.
