Live From DC: Gods Eye is a Weird Name

Livestreaming at 9:15 PM Eastern

Пікірлер: 121

  • @jaysemitchells497

    14.00 I'd have some copium and say that in-world the maesters would muddy the waters and use Cole as a scapegoat as the "Kingmaker" not having it be an Oldtown/Hightower conspiracy

  • @fleshbhones

    Love that PJ took a stand against MAGA supporters. There's tons of other ASOIAF youtubers who claim to be "Progressive" and still have Karl Karsnark running their stuff. Kudos to you for sticking to your guns.

  • @coreyander286

    It's wild to say

  • @nickm8425

    Im not sure why Prestons so stuck on Gods Eye. I just assumed its from the very famous 1974 scifi novel Mote in Gods Eye. He probably was a fan.

  • @barrry9

    Recently watched a vid of Preston & Carmine where PJ pointed out there's nothing in the actual story of ASoIaF that explicitly says the Others are looking to invade.

  • @christopherlaws8182

    What I would pay money to see is alt shift and trey explaining the north remembers fanfic to pj and carmine and every one of them are sauced

  • @GoodVolition

    You've heard of Jon Snow. But have you heard of Job Now? "I don't want it. I want to go back to baking bread and accounting."

  • @LordAbraxas

    As for Mance saying he saw all the wolves with the kids. I doubt he came all the way to winterfell, arrived exactly when the feast started and left exactly when it ended. He probably would've hung out around winterfell a few days before or after and seen all the pups with the kids

  • @LordAbraxas

    I don't think many people are saying that Dark Star is what Ned would've been like post time skip, they're saying Dark Star replaced Ned as the person to bring Dawn into the story because Ned is too young to wield a greatsword and not in Dorne

  • @TheKrostiman

    I dont subscribe to libertarian ideas but to be fair to them, they booed Trump off stage and it was pretty funny. Also RFK Jr only got 2% of their vote which was also funny.

  • @TheKingOfRooks

    The Gods Eye is singular because it's the eye of the blue eyed giant Makumber and is an infinite space that once you enter you can never leave because contained within it is the entire world

  • @iliaponomarev1624

    > the matter of seeing from above

  • @jokerdblackbro

    Preston in full election mode 🎉

  • @FlorianMark

    Preston calling Mao Chairman Mao?

  • @humzakhalid7902


  • @humzakhalid7902


  • @iliaponomarev1624

    > singular god makes the least sense

  • @mageolight5258

    I've always thought the Gods Eye used to be a huge volcano that got destroyed in a massive eruption and the entire lake is just it's crater. It can be an explanation for the long night, all the obsidian in westeros, and also the weird climate if it's eruption tilted the axis of planetos further than our own.



  • @Mj_Jetson

    With the Gods Eye, I immediately connected it to Bloodraven's eye-related situation - the Gods Eye is many gods with one eye (metaphorically? like most of the hivemind's concentration if focused on whatever's happening on the Gods Eye, or the hivemind originated there, so originally it was the only place the gods were watching?), whereas Bloodraven is one dude with many metaphorical eyes. I don't think GRRM had much - if any - concept of Bloodraven when writing AGoT; for what its worth, he has a weird number of eyes on the Three-Eyed Crow, but I still think its much more likely that Bloodraven is an offshoot of the original Gods Eye idea, not the other way around.