Lift Up: Navigating the return to work


Returning to work after an extended break can be a significant life transition, whether it's after parental leave, caregiving responsibilities, illness, sabbatical, redundancy or any other circumstance.
Hosted by Louise Williams (nee Wraight) and Georgia Harding, this live event will provide a platform for individuals to gain valuable insights, practical advice, and encouragement as they navigate this journey.
Join Louise and our amazing panel, Sarena Lin, Global CxO and Non-Executive Board Director and Christina Mack, Chief Scientific Officer at IQVIA who will share their empowering experiences that will equip you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to navigate your return to work with success and resilience.
This event is open to individuals who are preparing to return to work after a hiatus, as well as professionals, employers, and support providers who work with or advocate for returning employees.

