Leila K Ca Plane Pour Moi


Leila K Ca Plane Pour Moi
Directed by Richard Heslop 20 5 93
I was asked to feature next to Leila in the car as the driver on this video set with my best mate Richard Heslop filming and close friend Kim Mnguni directing.
I didn't get the brief and went in full colour to a black-and-white video shoot lol
It was probably the best shoot i've been asked to feature in with Richard filming & editing.
I had no safety harness when riding on the car with a flare in each hand and no way of holding on.
Health and safety would have a cow if they were on site.
I was handed flares and chucked the ones that had finished flaring not realizing I had thrown one into a huge pile of tires that then caught fire and we saw Richard going in to try and stop it, disappearing into a huge cloud of smoke. What a relief it was seeing him return unharmed. Six fire engines later and most of the night to put it out.
I have featured in many music videos but this one was probably the best video I was in as stuntman.

