Kassow KR1410 collaborative robot sanding with grit pad changer system.

Available from Delahenty Machinery - www.delahenty.com.au/
Kassow 7-Axis Collaborative Robot:
- Renowned for extended range of motion and superior task accuracy.
- Specifically selected for industrial sanding applications.
Delahenty Machinery’s Proposed Cobot Sanding Solution:
- Incorporates the versatile OnRobot electric orbital sander.
- Adapts to various part geometries for consistent, high-quality finishes.
- Integration of OnRobot’s grit changer automates sanding disc switching.
- Minimizes downtime and reduces reliance on manual labor.
KASSOW Robot User Interface:
- Tablet-based interface leveraging Android System benefits.
- Split-screen concept.
- Block-based programming.
- Optimized for robot applications.
- Responsive and intuitive environment.
- Dynamic content support using native 3D engines.
Feel free to reach out if you need further details or have any additional questions!
