Karma_The Secret of Good Fortune_P1_What is Karma_Plant virtue and joy in your mind.

This General Program course is called - Karma: The Secret to Good Fortune. In this first excerpt, Gen Rigpa explains what karma is, as well as presenting its general characteristics. Karma is a Sanskrit term meaning action, and to create good fortune we need to understand how karma works. In summary, from virtuous or positive actions comes happiness and from negative or non-virtuous actions comes suffering. Gen Rigpa also touches on the importance of the practice of dedication as a way to safeguard our good fortune. More on this topic later in the series. Gen Rigpa is presenting an entire teaching on the practice of dedication during this General Program series of classes.
In this class, Gen Rigpa explains the four general characteristics of karma. 1) The results of actions are definite. 2) The results of actions increase. 3) If an action is not performed its result cannot be experienced. 4) An action is never wasted.
Stay tuned for this whole course and if you desire community and meditation, please join us in person -- or on-line, for members. Everyone is welcome.
