Kagro in the Morning - June 10, 2024

David Waldman and Greg Dworkin had little to no health concerns today, and not many pressing commitments at this time, so they decided to throw us a pleasant little KITM:
TFFG is forever a convicted felon, yet not quite sentenced. Today’s perfect meeting with a probation officer will help to determine that sentence. So far Donald has art of the dealt himself out of a urine test. Oh the wonders they’ll find in Steven KG Bannon’s cup.
It’s the 80th anniversary of D-Day and we are still waging war against Nazis worldwide. Marine Le Pen surprised Emmanuel Macron, so he surprised France by calling for parliamentary elections, which might not be that big of a surprise. In Israel, Benny Gantz resigns, so Bibi Netanyahu only has his right wingnuts left to save him. On the other hand, in Hungary, Viktor Orbán is in retreat, and actual bombs have been proven effective in holding off the Russians in Kharkiv.
In the US, our fascists hate hearing President Joe Biden dissing overseas fascism. Trump voters love what Biden has done, if they can say Trump did it, and hate what Trump did, if they can say Biden did it. Donald is just punk that way… Also like Jesus… Jesus Punk Superstar seems to be speaking in tongues more often on his sermons at various mounts.
Samuel Alito is aghast at those who doubt his morality, when it is he alone who has morals. Sure, Clarence Thomas took a few or several million dollars... but it was only because he needed those millions of dollars… but now that you caught him, he will return he will tell you when he takes the next millions of dollars. Happy now? You aren’t? Well then, take it up with the boss, John Roberts. His door is always open.
In polling news, at least 50% of Nates are complete morons. Outside of Nate-morons, Joe Biden is looking kind of good in the polls. Latino voters will vote third party, once they find a third party candidate who encapsulates their viewpoint and has the personality that they are looking for. In South Carolina, a January 6 insurrectionist regrets all that and is running for office. In Georgia, a January 6 insurrectionist regrets running for office and is running for his truck.
