Jimmy Watson - Real talk on Jocko and Chris Kyle

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  • @coctostan1860
    @coctostan18602 ай бұрын

    Kyle didnt knock anybody out, he lied. This clown is a goof

  • @klmorg63


    2 ай бұрын

    That “clown” served in combat protecting Army, Marines and his fellow SEALs as they did DA missions and him on over watch, he was killed trying to help former servicemen who were having mental troubles, WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE FOR ANYONE! To disparage someone who is no longer here and fought for your freedom is a bitch move, and I suspect that’s exactly what you are.

  • @alwaysready4017


    2 ай бұрын

    Yea it was a confirmed lie.

  • @alex_a1234


    Ай бұрын

    Yep. This seems to call Jimmy’s info into question

  • @joshualittle877


    14 күн бұрын

    ​@@alwaysready4017 It was not confirmed to be a lie. That's an inaccurate statement. Don't worry I'm going to tell you why in great detail. First your obviously referring to Jesse Venturas Civil suit against Chris Kyle and his estate. Frequently people hear shit on the internet assume it must be the God honest gospel truth and run with it before all the facts are out. Especially when it comes to shit like this with Special Operators in a spat that's always a mistake. Much like everyone jumping to conclusions about Mike Glover beating his wife that turned out to be complete BS and a guys life and business were ruined over it that didn't deserve it. That's exactly what your doing here only Chris is dead and can't defend himself so I will take a stab at at least setting the record straight. First Jesse's Civil Suit was exactly that. A criminal trial decides Guilt or Innocence BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT. I capitalized that because it's a legal evidentiary standard. The highest there is in the US Legal System and you can say it establishes fact from fiction and truth from lies. Civil Suits do not they use a far lower evidentiary standard and only decide if one person or entity has wronged another and deserves a remedy for that wrong but they do not establish truth from fiction or establish if someone lied or not as any kind of fact. Next the Civil Suit was never about weather Kyle lied about anything. It was over weather he Kyle made defamatory statements that cost Jesse his reputation, got him black balled from the SEAL Community and cost him money as a result. Now before I go on I want you to let that sink in a little. The guy who has maybe ran his bih yap the loudest of anyone criticizing SEALs including Kyle for "cashing in" and monetizing their Tridents is suing Kyle because supposedly what Kyle said has prevented Jesse from monetizing his own. Sounds like the hight of Hypocrisy to me buy I digress. So the Suit was actually about defamatory statements not the supposed punch wether or not it occurred. That fact has gotten lost because of lack of media understanding and people who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground posting dumb comments and others buying into it buy mostly because Jesse Himself who is quite a bit more media savvy than Chris, himself spun it that way. Now I will get to that in a second but you should understand First and foremost Jesse Ventura, while he initially won that suit to the tune of 1.8 million what no one seems to realize that makes these dumb comments( like yourself, sorry but you ran your yap so deal with it) is that suit was then overturned on appeal and dismissed with prejudice, which means it's a dead issue Ventura gets a big fat zero and he can't sue again over that issue. Now this happened in a Federal Appeals court so we can't 100% know for sure why this case went this way but I have a real good idea based on the facts of the case that I do know, which brings us back to how this all started to begin with. In 2006 Chris and his team( he was TG Bruiser senior Sniper and team Senior Enlisted Chief) were at a SEAL owned bar and hangout in Coronado called McPees( they have a great beer selections and the Ruben Sanwich is fantastic) Anyway one of the guys that was killed was Mike Monsoor who was awarded the Medal of Honor and the Team was having a wake for him and hosting Mike's grieving family. On this same weekend a BUDS Class was graduating the next day and Jesse was in town as a guest speaker at the graduation. Jesse is a notorious blabbering mouth who has been as I said particularly critical of the war in Iraq and just as much the SEALs role and how they have carried themselves. He as a Vietnam UDT especially is more than entitled to an opinion and I take nothing from him on that. However what he did that night was come up running his mouth saying some shit he should have kept to himself in front of that family. He should not have even bothered the team with that dumb shit but definitely not a grieving family. Now it was a bit in dispute what he actually said. Jesse maintains he said that "We were bound to lose some SEALs" and The Witnesses including Kyke heard "We deserve to lose some SEALs". Obviously these are two very different statements but it does not really matter neither should have been uttered in earshot of that family. Now Chris as the Senior Enlisted guy tried to jump in Jesse shit right away. All of these SEALs were no doubt a bit intoxicated and they likely stopped Kyle from pulverized Jesse which even Jesse admits he certainly could do with a quickness. In that scuffle Kyle did in fact hit someone though no one would seemed to know who and a probable reason for that is if one has more than three alcohol related incidents in a career SEAL or no SEAL the Navy will boot you out quickly with zero tolerance so at the time it occurred everyone got Amnesia just as quick however what no one forgot was what Ventura said and to whom. Now Kyle retired and wrote his book in 2012 six years later and whats important to note is the name Jesse Ventura is nowhere in that book. What is in the book is Chris describing his recollection of what occurred that night and he calls Ventura "Scruffy" as an alias not naming him. Then almost a year later while being interviewed on a talk show he indicated "Scruffy" was Jesse Ventura and not long After Jesse sued him not because of Kyle saying he punched him when he didn't but over the loss and defimation to his reputation for what Kyle accused him of saying that night. Here is the kicker and why Jeese's suit ultimately went no where.( Though again we can't know for sure as it was in Federal Court.) That loss that Jesse Suffered to his reputation and blackmailing from the Community happened shortly after he said those things is 2006. It had zero to do with Kyles book or the talks how that came out in 2012. That little tidbit Jesse had been obfuscation for a bit more than likely came to light in the appeal. He caused that damage to his reputation( what little he had left by that point) with his own big fat mouth. On another note why is Jesse even considered a SEAL to begin with. He was a UDT and never actually served as a SEAL a thing he rarely points out. He is still very much a SEAL but for a very particular reason. In 1962 when they established the SEALs, SEALs and UDTs both went to BUDS together after BUDS they split off and guys going to be SEALs went through a whole other course that ultimately became SQT or SEAL Qualification Training and it's a week or two longer than BUDS. So BUDS while a Qualification for UDTs was only ever a Selection Course for SEALs and still is. Jesse never went through that course and though he went to Vietnam did not see combat and did not operate as a SEAL. He served from 1969-1975. When he left Active Duty he was assigned to SEAL Team ones reserve component but as a UDT. Only 276 SEALs ever served in Vietnam( I think there were maybe 800 altogether at the time) and 46 died there. Many of the rest retired after getting home. As a result in the 80s they had to both rebuild the SEAL Teams and expand and Jesse as a reservist worked in SEAL Recruiting and was very instrumental in that effort. If you look at many of the Navy SEAL recruiting posters from the 80s he is in them. So between 1980 and 1983 they disbanded and got rid of UDT and the very last UDT Team became SEAL Team 3 and all remaining UDTs became SEALs( they got grandfathered) now lots of those guys stayed active and became outstanding SEALs. Jesse was out of the Navy by that time but because of him making alot of that success happen they grandfathered him as well. So his reward was getting to wear a Trident and be part of that community and in his arrogance shit all over it . Supposedly Vsntura had photos of him at the graduation the next day that would indicate he had not been hit, in the face at least by anyone. But naming him on that talk show may simply have been a figurative punch in the face that Chris tried to give him that night and that he richly deserved. Now I'm not and never was a SEAL I was an Airborne Infantry Long Range Surveillance Scout and served with SF for four years including a year long deployment to Afghanistan with them( Not a Green Beret and want to be clear about that) but I do know how this shit works. and the whole Ventura thing has being on the Jocco Chris Kyke, Eric Demming thing as well. LRS Teams,Special Forces ODAs, SEAL Platoons all perform their mission or at least plan their missions( though those missions in the area of Soecial Reconissanse and Long Range Surveillance have overlap they are all have different missions.) But they plan them in a similar fashion that being they are Compartmented meaning a team goes into Isolation by itself to plan and no other team or anyone else for that matter outside the team, their immediate Commander and the Intel folks involved are going to be privy to anything. So if Eric Deming wasn't on the ground in Ramadi at that time he has absolutely no way of knowing what Jocco, Chris Kyle or anyone else did or didn't do. The very most he might have seem is a redacted After action review for training purposes. It's all water cooler gossip and nothing more. You notice he's spreading BS around the internet not talking with NCIS or a Senete Select committee as an actual whistle blower. Why do you think that is? I'll tell you because he can't actually back up a word of it with anything concrete. If one of Joccos subordinates was talking this trash I might give it a little more credence but even then if your telling your story about supposed war crimes to a podcast and you haven't gone to NCIS, the Navy and Congress it's probably because your full of sh**.

  • @TheFlyingRaptor
    @TheFlyingRaptorАй бұрын

    Actually Chris Kyle did not knock out Jesse Ventura. Ventura sued Chris Kyle's estate for defamation and won.

  • @joshualittle877


    14 күн бұрын

    Actually no Jesse didn't win. His suit was overturned on appeal and dismissed with Pejudice. Also Seal Snipers don't use a spotter so I have questions about what dude is saying. One of the reason Chris Kyles and other Seal Snipers shots are frequently questioned is because they don't have spotters to witness their shots. If you want to know a good reason why Jesse's suit was dismissed I will tell you.

  • @arthurmorgan7086


    6 күн бұрын

    No he won and was compensated ​@joshualittle877

  • @joshualittle877


    4 күн бұрын

    @Mr.Average1957 They settled for Jesse getting a big fat s the suit was dismissed by the appeals court judge with prejudice meaning he can't sue over it again. Because it's a Federa Court we can't know for sure but it's a very good bet that the dismissal with prejudice was because in a Civil suit you have to establish standing meaning you have to show an action by one person in this case Defamation by Kyle that then causes a loss in this case Jesse losing Mooney because of Kyles Defamation and then you must request an appropriate remady.for that financial loss. Did Kyle make defamatory statements about Jesse? Yes he did both to the rest of the SEAL Community and the American public he told what he saw Jesse do and what he heard Jesse say that night at McPees. They were true or at least close to true statements about Venturas behavior but none the less Defamitory. The issue is that it's was Jesse Making those statements and behaving in the manner in which he did that night, that caused his financial loss not Kyle describing those actions and words in his book and on a talk show six years after the fact. Kyle didn't cause the loss. Jesse Caused his own loss with his big fat yap and what's more he always knew that to be the fact even if many others didn't. When Kyle write his book describing the incident and then waa dumb enough to name Jesse on a talk show instead of leaving him the anonymous character in his book whom he called "Scruffy"..Ventura then saw an opportunity to get litigious and hold Chris responsible for a loss suffered 6 years earlier caused by his own big mouth. Jesse got blackmailed and had the financial loss of his rep shortly after the events of that night. not because of Kyles book almost a decade later. What's amazing is how many folks made this out to be about weather or not Chris lied about punching Jesse including Jesse and even if Kyle lied or made a mistake about that event, that punch had nothing to do with the suit or the loss.

  • @arthurmorgan7086


    4 күн бұрын

    @@joshualittle877 nobody is reading all that. Jesse was compensated. He won.

  • @joshualittle877


    4 күн бұрын

    @arthurmorgan7086 OK I will shorten it for you. No he won the initial suit but lost in Federal Appeals court where his case was sumerilly dismissed with prejudice. He got a big fat ZERO and cannot sue again. As it was a Federal Court it's difficult to know why but as I said it's a good bet that it was because when one files a Default Suit they are not seeking damages for the Defamitory comments themselves but for the loss they created. While Chris did defame Jesse 100% for sure. Those Defamitory comments were 100% accurate, had nothing to do with the alleged punch but were comments on Jesse's words and behavior in front of Mike Monsoors parents that night in 2006 and the loss Jesse incurred was because of his own big mouth and bad behavior on that night not as a result of Kyle outing him for it 6 years later. For example you will notice how much Ventura ranted about the supposed punch that never occurred..He made it seem as though this law suit of his was all about that fictional punch when he knew the entire time his suit had nothing to do with the punch or wether or not Chris Kyle lied about it.. His suit was over the losses he suffered because of how he behaved and what he said that night in front of Mike Monsoors parents and that loss was incurred very shortly there after and was richly deserved. Chris did defame Jesse and further outed him but that took place 6 years later and had nothing to do with Jesse's financial losses as they were incurred almost immediately after his behavior that night..The suit was never about what Jesse constantly mislead the public that it was about. It was about Ventura ever the litigious opertunist exploiting an opportunity he spotted to recoup some of his losses for his own bad behavior that night. He did so by exploiting the general publics and the courts ignorance of the inner workings of that community and painted a narrative with him as the victim when in reality he is the one who started the entire debacle by being Jesse Ventura and acting an ass. toward a grieving family.

  • @dalehenry4694
    @dalehenry46942 ай бұрын

    Eric Deming was a seal for 20 yrs.

  • @klmorg63


    2 ай бұрын

    I have yet to find anything on his combat experience, I don’t believe it exist. You Google him and he’s been on a mission to tear the SEAL community up because he didn’t get promoted from E-8 to E-9, probably from incompetence! Jocko addresses this in podcast 434.5. I’ve seen most of his podcasts and looking and listening to guests who served with him and those with a much higher rank than him and what they say is completely opposite of Deming. I will trust many SEALs word over one who is bitter. Jealousy is a terrible thing and Mr Deming seems full of it!

  • @Mr_Clean


    2 ай бұрын

    If you watch that anti-hero podcast Eric was very active in the comment section answering questions like this about deployments and such

  • @trugrit7210


    2 ай бұрын

    ​@@klmorg63it's embarrassing being a fanboy as an adult.

  • @billsherman8755


    2 ай бұрын

    @trugrit7210 why is your name @trugrit7210 it should be no grit or snowflake you seem to be a fan boy of angry Eric

  • @trugrit7210


    2 ай бұрын

    @@billsherman8755 you sound mad.

  • @KC-UT4rmAZ
    @KC-UT4rmAZ2 ай бұрын

    Chris is now being revealed as a known liar. Some of his own teammates have come out and said he lied about a lot. He never knocked out Jesse. He lied about his medals and medal count. But then again Seal/Jocko/Chris fanboys will deny everything no matter the truth.

  • @LC-in5or


    Ай бұрын

    You'll believe anything that confirms your own personal bias. Chris Kyle was a good man. He has his problems no doubt, like we all do.

  • @KC-UT4rmAZ


    Ай бұрын

    @@LC-in5or you must be one of those Chris Kyle fanboys.

  • @dkurt2725


    Ай бұрын

    ​@@LC-in5or arent you doing same shit? Known liar is a good guy and are you really that stupid to thi k those guys arent murdering people left and right for no reason? And more so if there is incentive to do so you need to understand there is a reason why most of the world hate US it is one thing when you call everyone terrorists but those people got to that point because of jocko s kyles and overall murdering slaughtering people

  • @derekspringer6448


    20 күн бұрын

    @@KC-UT4rmAZ I've been pondering over which side of this coin I land on... After much deliberation I've come to the conclusion that you're both right. I think Chris lied a lot to attempt fame, I don't like what I hear about the possibility that he was shooting all of those civilians, and enjoying it. That bit seems rather true to me, the only hesitation I have, is that I don't know what his orders were. Would that 100% clear Chris of all charges here? I don't think it would... But I believe that Jocko could be the true villain in this story. Guy gives me the creeps. On the other hand, Chris died doing something he did often... Attempting to help other veterans with the same PTSD he seemed to suffer from. You have no guilt, you likely have no PTSD... And I don't care who you are, trying to help veterans at their lowest points in life counts for something GDI! It doesn't and can't wipe away all committed evils, but he can't be all bad either. He didn't HAVE to do that for any reason... I don't think he personally benefit from doing it either. Whether that be monetarily, or with social credit. He just seemed to be silently helping, doing what he could. I'll never know what the truth really is, I'd wager its some shade of gray in between the two extremes. However I'm not willing to say with certainty that a man who served his country, discharged honorably, and then went on to help his brothers and sisters with their trauma in any way he knew how... I'm not willing to say he's a bad man unless I know that for 100% sure, which I likely never will, and likely never could. The man isn't here to defend himself anymore. Maybe it's time we all just let sleeping SEALS lie, so to speak. The man is gone. Unless I'm shown unequivocal proof that he did more damage than one can possibly find acceptable given the circumstances, or worse... Maybe allowing the people who think he was a hero, to say good things about him, wouldn't be the end of the world. Chris Kyle can't hurt you now. Shhh, its OK. Hes gone... he won't ever shoot a sniper rifle again. Shhh..... yeah, thats it... its ok buddy.

  • @mechcavandy986


    14 күн бұрын

    So why did Ventura sue him?

  • @anson.meadows
    @anson.meadowsАй бұрын

    Between CK’s outlandish claims-N.O. Superdome, TX carjacking kills, hitting Jesse V- his demeanor, body count, along with his death…something is missing.

  • @BSlFK
    @BSlFK3 ай бұрын

    Mr. Watson’s interview was very professional. Mr. Watson didn’t attack anyone’s character or a he said, she said, without backing it up. Respect. Mr. Watson described the situations he was aware of and does anyone know what goes on behind closed doors? Perfectly delivered interview and professional response.

  • @trugrit7210


    2 ай бұрын

    Didn't he say that Kyle did indeed punch 'scruff face'? right after basically say Kyle's body count is suspect?

  • @stephanarizona9094
    @stephanarizona90943 ай бұрын

    The clip from that show, one of the host is a pretty reputable Delta Force Operator, he is definitely more of a quiet warrior and has has great clips about alot of other questionable stories, one he has brought up is there is alot of holes in Robert O'Neils story about shooting Osma bin Laden, things that a civilian would not pick up on, but people with Special Operators experience, when they heard the story, things did not add up.

  • @klmorg63


    2 ай бұрын

    What would a Delta operator know about what the SEALs are doing, nothing! He’s jealous of SEALs because they all have more subscribers than him, he’s doing the same thing he’s condemning.

  • @christopherwalker6056


    Ай бұрын

    ​@klmorg63 yep. I agree. All they do on his podcast is talk shit on other operators. Who really knows what is %100 truth? No one unless they were actually there.

  • @brenttucker6246


    27 күн бұрын

    @@klmorg63glad you asked what a Delta Force operator knows about Seal Team 6 missions, I deployed with members of Seal Team 6 to combat, I did training iterations with members of Seal Team 6, I know many of them and we talk. Another member of that raid also wrote a book, Matt Bisonette, who I also know. He didn’t tell a story of RO going into the room by himself and single handedly takes out UBL. He told the truth that all members told me, a team went into the room after the point man already killed him in the stairwell. Lying and taking the credit for a kill you didn’t do for fame and money is frowned upon and is called stolen valor and you should care about it… we do.

  • @MrStevepotts


    27 күн бұрын

    @@klmorg63 you obviously don't know much about either of these communities or you are pretending to be ignorant. He is bringing to light a lot of stuff that people should be talking about.

  • @Guardsman-sy8qm


    12 күн бұрын

    A delta operator wpuld know quite a bit about what SEALs from DEVGRU do since they based their unit off of Delta Force.

  • @tl5684
    @tl56842 ай бұрын

    If you listen to andy stumpfs podcast interviewing jocko long before all this broke out, andy points out that they were banned from doing night raids because a bus load of people were shot up because they were mistaken for terrorist and it offended the men who were heads of households that they were trying to win over the local populace.

  • @teamperry757


    2 ай бұрын

    And he didn't lisp like this. It sounds like this guy played with the audio to make him sound worse.

  • @JohnSmith-yt7ko
    @JohnSmith-yt7ko2 ай бұрын

    We've owned the night for so long that everyone now has night vision so we no longer "own" the night!

  • @trugrit7210
    @trugrit72102 ай бұрын

    Even from this dude's story even if he's not directly saying Kyle was shooting at targets that weren't legitimate he's implying that's what he did and so why should we honor someone who gave locals cause to hate Americans and join or help the inirgents?

  • @yolo-mv5rx
    @yolo-mv5rx2 ай бұрын

    What? Well some of us do care if he beat his wife. It is wrong and also shows lack of remorse that could signal to the accusations in Iraq.

  • @swisscheese8628


    2 ай бұрын

    No1 gives a fuck, there talking about war crimes 😂

  • @banesbox
    @banesbox2 ай бұрын

    Chris Kyle believed his own BS so much that he couldn’t keep his mouth shut at that range and found out in the end. His macho ego got in his way that particular day.

  • @solomonrivers5639


    Ай бұрын

    What did he say?? (I came to assume he was assassinated and haven’t kept up with new details since),

  • @BeefT-Sq


    22 күн бұрын

    Bunk. Kyle wasn't killed because of his ego. He was killed by a crazy man.

  • @documentthedrama8279


    11 күн бұрын

    he looking up right now, regretting that choice lol

  • @jeremiahwilson1255
    @jeremiahwilson12552 ай бұрын

    If theo von was a seal😆

  • @stonephilips9361
    @stonephilips936110 күн бұрын

    He lied about hitting Jesse Ventura.

  • @rambojones8711
    @rambojones8711Ай бұрын

    Theyre fighting the same fight on thr same team i dont get it

  • @dixoncider3396
    @dixoncider3396Ай бұрын

    Marcus said he dropped his rifle and ran left his friends to die...

  • @DHallCane156
    @DHallCane156Ай бұрын

    Watson got pretty defensive when it came to Jacko. Kinda seemed like a Jacko fan boy....

  • @seancronin4010
    @seancronin40102 ай бұрын

    Well done interview; removed the gossip.

  • @BeefT-Sq


    22 күн бұрын

    Anti-vaxxers are a dying breed. 💉

  • @David-lq4tq
    @David-lq4tq23 күн бұрын

    Deming is believable, this interview did not change that.

  • @19Jharris
    @19JharrisАй бұрын

    Lone survivor was Marcus not O’Neill And if an Afghan rescued him while he was out of ammo and a broken gun how do you attack that ??

  • @seller559
    @seller5592 ай бұрын

    If you are going to be a KZread influencer or internet legend you better be able to handle criticism.

  • @tonyrat8086
    @tonyrat80863 ай бұрын

    Word salad of BS served up here

  • @anzo0311
    @anzo03112 ай бұрын

    The guys that they were supporting went out during the day. How are they going to support the Marines and soldiers fighting if they are not out during the day when we were. So, it’s an erroneous statement.

  • @williammccusker8408


    2 ай бұрын

    I said the same thing

  • @wrestle4life234


    2 ай бұрын

    Sounds like they went out on daytime security or move-to-contact patrols. Those are much different from being overwatch or reconnaissance, which would make sense for SeALs to di

  • @jojofreelancer1210
    @jojofreelancer1210Ай бұрын

    Bro that last part smh idk cuz its hard dealing with past street life and crimes, however i didnt harm innocent ppl. I often think had i made it to join military if today my mental health be worse

  • @bohica6378
    @bohica63782 ай бұрын

    O’Neil had nothing to do with Lone Survivor

  • @siboniso4420


    2 ай бұрын

    Oneill was part of Operation Red Wing, he was in the rescue party.

  • @bohica6378


    2 ай бұрын

    @@siboniso4420 👍

  • @chi2251


    2 ай бұрын

    O’Neil ain’t the problem in red wings

  • @Criquette-df8tv
    @Criquette-df8tvАй бұрын

    When you can’t even get Jocko’s last name right how can I believe your story??

  • @alex_a1234
    @alex_a1234Ай бұрын

    I think Jocko’s character is not questionable. CK seemed like a whole other thing entirely.

  • @mattstratton7740
    @mattstratton7740Ай бұрын

    Jocko W, Chris K, Rob O. If something is too good to be true it usually isn't. Why do we place any of these guys up on a pedestal ? Training, a paycheck & a thank you is all America owes them. They are not gods.

  • @Kuba405
    @Kuba4053 ай бұрын

    He can't even get people's names or book titles right. "Extreme leadership"? Lol.

  • @collinbeecher2949
    @collinbeecher2949Ай бұрын

    I’m getting tired of veterans eating g their own, especially SEALs. This crap is getting way out of hand and needs to stop. I’m thankful I’m not a part of that community with all of this hate coming out.

  • @bansenpy5553


    Ай бұрын

    Exposing war crimes is hate?how is saying the truth a bad thing?

  • @rayaguilar2911
    @rayaguilar2911Ай бұрын

    That tshirt 👍🏻

  • @BeefT-Sq
    @BeefT-Sq2 ай бұрын

    Watson is wrong about the Russian female snipers of WWII. Ludmilla Pavelachenko was the top female sniper of all time and she didn't reach 400 kills. She and the others used scoped rifles. Watson just revealed himself to be "loose with the truth".

  • @Guardsman-sy8qm


    12 күн бұрын

    Maybe loose with history. Most military guys have a passing lnowledge of military history. Most aren't histroy nerds (some are just not most).

  • @doggie7602
    @doggie76022 ай бұрын

    I love the "Don't recommend channel" option.

  • @user-io6pj8bz8h
    @user-io6pj8bz8hАй бұрын

    They were all enemy combatants

  • @KautRB
    @KautRB3 ай бұрын


  • @KautRB
    @KautRB3 ай бұрын

    Interview Jocko.

  • @KC-UT4rmAZ


    2 ай бұрын

    Would literally do zero good. Would you expect anything other than denial. Regardless of what the truth was. In no scenario or universe would he admit to anything if it were true.

  • @gunsup0331
    @gunsup0331Ай бұрын

    Scout Snipers Oorah

  • @jameskirk221
    @jameskirk221Ай бұрын

    that old sounds butthurt

  • @ShaneBermingham616
    @ShaneBermingham6162 ай бұрын

    Navy shshseals

  • @centermass1976
    @centermass19762 ай бұрын

    Denning can’t even pronounce Jocko’s name correctly?

  • @derekspringer6448


    23 күн бұрын

    And that detracts from anything how? I'm not saying I do or don't believe the guy... What I'm saying is directly at your statement, who cares?

  • @centermass1976


    21 күн бұрын

    @@derekspringer6448 if you’re going to publicly accuse someone of war crimes, dereliction of duty, conduct unbecoming, and murder might it behoove the accuser to figure out how to pronounce the accused name? Especially when it is a short and quippy nickname that is easily remembered and pronounced. Seems like a fair question to me.

  • @Elmont-Rules13
    @Elmont-Rules132 ай бұрын

    lol jealousy is a really strange thing

  • @rich3154
    @rich31542 ай бұрын

    This dude sounds like he is drunk, slering speach

  • @jportega9404


    2 ай бұрын

    Sounds like he has food in his mouth or had braces put on his teeth.

  • @axlbazz1
    @axlbazz1Ай бұрын

    He's a civilian and so are you. Move on with your life. Stop living in the past, get out of people's business. Drama.....SMH

  • @jacyl21222
    @jacyl21222Ай бұрын

    Lol...awfully fucking wishy-washy...to say something then back track over and over trying to avoid the ramifications of your words. Why say anything.

  • @Bourbon101LRSD
    @Bourbon101LRSD2 ай бұрын

    Jocko was an O-4 at that level you don’t go out because you are commanding multiple platoons. So that BS. These entire allegations are BS.

  • @DanDan-cl7em


    Ай бұрын

    Jocko was just a pencil writing desk jockey?

  • @JH-do8kt


    Ай бұрын

    Come to San Diego and say that to his face. You're a little coward with a keyboard

  • @kdiigx


    Ай бұрын

    If that is true it’s clear cut defamation. Why hasn’t Jocko sued? I can tell you if you don’t know.

  • @Guardsman-sy8qm


    12 күн бұрын

    When he was in Ramadi, he was an O-3.

  • @WindWalker1961
    @WindWalker1961Ай бұрын

    This guys knows nothing about these topics ......

  • @chrisd.3319
    @chrisd.33192 ай бұрын

    I'm not saying that Denning is right or wrong but if you are going to claim with certainty intimate knowledge of how Jocko operated as a Navy Seal you maybe should learn to pronounce his last name properly because it calls your credibility into question.

  • @williammccusker8408


    2 ай бұрын

    I wish they would put out facts! Deming just doesn’t put out facts.

  • @derekspringer6448


    23 күн бұрын

    Pronouncing a name incorrectly, whether you just didn't take the time, mistakenly mispronounced, heard from others thats how it was pronounced, or any other reason people have for mispronunciations. Notably including speech impediments, as some people have not so visible impediments that make them say certain things incorrectly. All of this renders anything you say as questionable...? Although you've still managed to effectively communicate your point to EVERYONE, as we all knew who he was talking about immediately, all of everything you said is still rendered in question. I have a question about that first. Serious question. What does this do for people with accents? Brother, do I even need to tell you how stupid this sounds at this point? Or did me reiterating exactly what you just said, back to you, do the job? I hope it did. It sure sounds like you're here saying "dude is in question because God damnit pronounce my heroes name correctly!" I hope you can see why I say that, it seems to me only a man of bias could care so much about something so small. I don't know "Jacko Willink" personally, maybe that's actually how you pronounce his name? "Willinks." Likely it's not, but would I have noticed if you hadn't picked apart the exact wrong part of the statement made? No, I wouldn't have. Crazy.

  • @chrisd.3319


    22 күн бұрын

    @@derekspringer6448 Jocko is far from my hero, but thank you for your perspective on this matter.

  • @derekspringer6448


    22 күн бұрын

    @@chrisd.3319 You responded to my comment with more tact and maturity than I had any right to be receiving from you. I went a little overboard there, and I apologize man. It wasn't my initial intention. I have a little bit of a hard time regulating my emotion in response comments on KZread. If I'm mad, I am EXTRA mad, and etc. etc. Thankfully I do not have this problem in real life. However, I am still constantly working on being better in the KZread comments as well, as I strive to be more like yourself in my responses. The hope is that I can continue the chain and pass that inspiration on to others, just as you've renewed it in me, so they can ideally also be inspired to not be the normal, unhinged, and oddly provoked masses that we see in the comments on the internet, and I unfortunately see sometimes in my own. So truly, I thank you, for reminding me to be better. It's a work in progress, but one I feel strongly about. Nothing can quite pacify me like when, after writing one of those "unhinged and oddly provoked" comments on KZread, I receive nothing but patience and consideration in return. Instead of the normal comment I'm expecting, mirroring my anger. I feel utterly embarrassed by these situations, the initial inspiration for having them stop. But I figure if others can so strongly inspire it in me, maybe I can do the same thing to people I come across. If we all did this maybe comments sections on the internet would be a better place. I am certain you did not want to, or perhaps just didn't read all of this period haha. I don't even know why I said all of that, I just wanted you to know that your level head and maturity in these comments does not go unnoticed by everyone, and I'll bet that you are extremely appreciated by most whom you interact with in comments. Have a good day, and best wishes to you from this internet stranger danger.

  • @billsherman8755
    @billsherman87553 ай бұрын

    Eric is just a jealous cause nobody knows or cares who he is

  • @trugrit7210


    2 ай бұрын

    How old are you?

  • @BeefT-Sq


    2 ай бұрын

    @@trugrit7210 I'm old enough to sense when I'm getting my ring-yang yanked.

  • @billsherman8755


    2 ай бұрын

    @trugrit7210 same age I was when I put you in your place before old man

  • @DanDan-cl7em


    Ай бұрын

    Eric the operator vs Jocko the admin guy

  • @sonoftexasOO
    @sonoftexasOO2 ай бұрын

    Why speak ill of the dead? Not very honorable..

  • @toddumptius2876


    2 ай бұрын

    He was a scumbag

  • @Bulletjunkie-jh2fv
    @Bulletjunkie-jh2fvАй бұрын

    For no reason!!! Im sure.

  • @robertwilson9917
    @robertwilson99172 ай бұрын

    I love your program until you got to the vaccine we'd have never got rid of measles and chickenpox and polio

  • @mechcavandy986
    @mechcavandy98614 күн бұрын

    There’s a lot of division in the SEAL Community now! 🙀🦭
