Infernum Boss Rush - Rogue

Its finally over! NoHits will come soon, after I mentally prepare myself.
Death count reached 1346. Very proud of myself!

Пікірлер: 30

  • @kevil123oo7

    Rogue is such a weird class, early to late game you struggle so much but the moment you get to end game you just kill everything under a minute if not for the phase change lol

  • @plwto9404

    And I thought scarlet devil melted death mode boss rush lmao, what a weapon

  • @b0ne_r3aper78

    like i expected there were no real problems aside from duke and Scal desteration phase, nice job

  • @b0ne_r3aper78

    Gonna have to watch this a but later, since rn I'm in the middle of stream the ending for my Tyranny's End run

  • @GolybObiknovennii

    Very Nice!

  • @huytrandang277


  • @zachsgameing7687

    Boss rush more like boss mush B) very good jobs

  • @Ourem.

    what is this weapon? i can't find it on Calamity's wiki

  • @cheeseburger8266

    i dont know how to get the terminus :/