IIMC APSMCL-16 || Learn the Art & Science of Strategic Leadership || Saturday, May 04, 2024

Interested in enhancing your strategic leadership skills? Apply now to the Advanced Programme in Strategic Management for Corporate Leaders at IIM Calcutta 🔗 vc-now.in/IIMCAPSMCL16WEBINAR.... For more details, 📞 +91-8506099081.
Dive into the world of strategic leadership with this enlightening webinar recording titled "Learn the Art & Science of Strategic Leadership," brought to you by the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta. Join Professors Biswatosh Saha and Mritiunjoy Mohanty, the esteemed directors of the Advanced Programme in Strategic Management for Corporate Leaders, as they unfold the layers of effective leadership that drives today’s top organizations.
Throughout this session, Prof. Saha and Prof. Mohanty delve into the crucial skills needed to navigate the complex, dynamic business environment of today. They cover the significance of understanding business dynamics, industry trends, and the proactive adaptation to change, which are all central to strategic leadership. The discussion encapsulates the essence of the Advanced Programme in Strategic Management, highlighting how it equips corporate leaders with the insights and tools necessary to foster innovation, shape organizational culture, and guide strategic direction effectively.
The webinar does not just talk about theoretical knowledge; it emphasizes real-world applications, interactive sessions, and strategic decision-making frameworks that are immediately applicable. Whether you are looking to enhance your leadership skills or gain a deeper understanding of strategic management's nuances, this recording offers valuable perspectives directly from the front lines of business education and leadership training.
Enjoy in-depth discussions and gain insights that bridge the gap between theory and practice in the realm of strategic leadership.
